Release MIUI ROM 2.2.17 [ICS] [NEXUS S]

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That's awesome, thanks MarkHUK !!! I'm back to 2.2.10 for now, so can't really help... when the fix is done i'll be glad to help testing it out :)
Not sure on the Music.apk error as the resource is there:

Music.apk/res/values/public.xml:    <public type="plurals" name="Ntrack_in_sdcard_format" id="0x7f09000c" />
Music.apk/smali/com/miui/player/ui/controller/HistoryBrowserController$NoHistoryFrame.smali:    const v2, 0x7f09000c
Music.apk/smali/com/miui/player/R$plurals.smali:.field public static final Ntrack_in_sdcard_format:I = 0x7f09000c
Just to know, am i the only one getting a FC also when attempting to select "Data usage" in "Settings" ?
New build MD5: 32142ed66c2de8f28c79ba2466850e42

Please redownload and flash. Hopefully this will fix the FC issue on Data / About / Updater.
I think there is a framework issue in the first bulid . downloading again now to see if its fixed now ( i think it is ) :)
Does MIUI music still FC with the latest version? It FCed even after a wipe in the 4th version i think.
Not sure, i've not tracked the issue off yet.

Is it possible if you upload the official MIUI one with no mods here please? Your upload and dl speeds are really fast and i can't download official rom from miui site. Please help. Thanks.
why does the framework-res.apk & framework-miui-res.apk are in the app folder ?

just curious ;)
like i said sir , there is a framework-res issue as i see . they are incredibly small comparing what they should be .

I need the logcat of boot! without it you are complaining without any measure to get the issue resolved.
Please re-download again - MD5: 32142ed66c2de8f28c79ba2466850e42

If this does not work - i've not got my Nexus S with me to diagnose until tomorrow. Hopefully this one works! thanks.
The logcat i posted earlier was for the music FC's. I'm trying the new build right now it hasn't booted yet tho.
Apps that crash:
Calendar Storage
Exchange Services
Music App
Will try to upload log...
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