[MOD] [3.2.22] Control Panel Suite [DISCONTINUED]

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So only taking your MiuiSystemUI.apk should work?

Will test later again, when I update my Roms. Last week I got systemui FC with your modified systemui.
Will test again and report.

Gesendet von meinem GT-N7000 mit Tapatalk 2
nope...you also need android.policy.jar. send me the error, perhaps i can help you.
i flashed it again everything works but no controlpanel icon and no carrier logo (full and then multi lang)
the difference is just to which partition should the control panel be flashed, either System 1 or System 2.
But earlie the was no differences in wich partititon to flash your mod, that's why my question appears.
Could Your answer what kind of differences appears in latest versions, and as a result - own MOD for each partition...

Thanks for your answer!!!!
In the version before System 1 and System 2, the zip file doesn't even signed. As far as i can understand, this causes problem in Mi-2, but not in Mi-1 (because the user is using lennox recovery?). Then i have signed the zip file but still it doesn't work because the regular mounting to the system partition doesn't work for Mi-2. The system partition needs to be mounted differently for Mi-phones than other devices which is System 1 or System 2. Since Mi-1 and Mi-2 have the same system partition points, I made also two zip files for Mi-1.
The content of the both files which is control panel self is the same, the difference is only on the system mount point. So there is no difference in term of control panel between the previous version with the current version.
If you have no problem with flashing previous version on your device, then I assume that your recovery flashes control panel on the System 1 (by default).
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In the version before System 1 and System 2, the zip file doesn't even signed. ....
Thanks for your answer!

I flash ControlPanelSuite_miuiandroid_mione_plus_ics-3.1.18_System1 via Mi-Recovery & it works fine!!! :)
But mod for System-2 I can't verify, because there is a LennyOS installed on system 2 ;)

I try to install mod to Mi2 via Updater to system 2, with ControlPanelSuite_miuiandroid_aries_jb-3.1.11_System2
but it won't flash(i have the same 3.1.11 ROM installed) :( & offered me to download a full version of ROM.

But your zip for system1 flashed with sucsess via Mi-Recovery to System1 (the same result as on Mi-One) but after i boot, there is no Control Panel program, I watch with RootExplorer to /system/app & see ControlPanel.apk, but it have wrong permissions (rw---------), after change permissions to this apk like other's (rw-r--r--) & reboot - Control Panel appears & working fine!

So, there is no way to flash your mod to system2 i think.....
just read about Mi2...it looks like there is no way to install something to system 2 without using updater app.
honestly, i dont know. i hope lenny could answer your question.
i'll take a look into setting permissions thing. thanks for reporting.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
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I can flash both systems just fine on Mi two, using same mount commands as your zip. But you should add a note that xiaomi devices have to flash in recovery. The updater app won't work with the mount commands used.
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