[rom Kk V6]- Smiui 5.3.20 <<< Aroma | Init.d | Multilang | Center-clock | A Lot More.. >>>


23 Sep 2011

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All devices will be available in one thread! That makes it easier to discuss problems and feature requests

Thanks to:
*xiaomi.eu Team
for xiaomi.eu BaseROM
*wajk for lots of impressions
*Kyruf for sMiUI Logo and Beta-Testing
*All Donators for supporting my work
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nice work! but could you remove cwm from the rom? cwm is updated from r8 to r11 for a reason, and flashing this rom downgrades recovery without asking. thanks.
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You can set up your own Power Mode in Security Center App.
Or do you want to limit CPU Frequency ?
There is 2 modes : normal(interactive cpu scaling) and performance(performance cpu scaling) ... But the idea is to have power save mode(powersave cpu scale) this cpu scaling force down the cpu multipler and keep the cpu speed to 300mhz.

Sent from my MI 3W
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I know, but you still can work with customized Power Modes in Security Center!
Only thing is they wont affect CPU Freq that much!

What I can do is limiting the CPU Freq at all, but that means you can only set it on boot and will need to reboot if you want to change it!
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Can someone please send me the content of file /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies on your device ?
I need to know the supported frequencies so I can create limit scripts.
I would like to try it on my Mi3.
Do i need specific CWM version for sMIUI installation?

There were posts on this thread about limiting cpu frequencies, is it done or you still need some data?
I 've put a lot of work in sMIUI for Mi2/s as you can see in the appropriate thread and I dont know if its worth the work for Mi3/Mi4 since there is not much discussion about it..
It seems that all the Mi4 owners doesnt want/need a custom ROM and since I do not own a Mi3/Mi4 Im not putting too much work in that.
i commented twice in this thread. once i suggested about removing the recovery, then i posted the file you needed. not a single f*ck was given. on xda and my local miui board, the devs/original posters do answer/react to questions and suggestions, just saying that. so don't expect too much reactions if you don't react either.

btw the rom is nice, so keep up the work. the xiaomi framework removal script is particularly awesome.