Search for Most Stable AOSP rom, conclusion: QDT14 incl. tips&tricks & IVAN AOSP (update 7.3.2014)

Dude, you're doing something wrong lol. Are we even talking about the same rom? I'm now at 24hours and I have 56% battery left ...
And please don't post two post after each other, just edit the last one. But I already know this rom is fine, but maybe cofface is slightly better, why don't you try that and help us finding the best rom :) ? Instead of just whining about lol.

@phani: That's weird.. Have you tried cofface CM10.1 27.09.2023? I haven't tried that yet.. for now MK seems good, but I guess it has a little more battery drain than Moonlight rom which you told me was based on cofface right? So that needs to be checked ^^

you asked about a report, and this is my report. If you dont like it, just dont ask for feedback xD probably you just do nothing with your phone, or have a 3100 battery, I'm with the stock ones, sent some messages and this is my situation
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you asked about a report, and this is my report. If you dont like it, just dont ask for feedback xD probably you just do nothing with your phone, or have a 3100 battery, I'm with the stock ones, sent some messages and this is my situation
I know I asked for feedback, but then give PROPER feedback, you are just whining. I'm on the stock battery and for now these are my stats, using whatsapp all the time, reading news etc.:

So instead of whinig and making mindless assumptions, post some proper reports(if you know how?) with screenshots and your findings in wakelock detector. Help the community instead of just bashing. Thanks :)


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I suggest to use the rom foto almost 3 days, battery needs to recalibrate.. ps, for me mk rc6 consumes a little more than wiui..overall mi2s is not that good in battery life.. harldy 12 h with medium/ heavy usage. We needs a kernel with dynamic hotplug, undervolt and some krait/linaro optimization..

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Yes, I've done that
in kernel I had some wake lock of main, some number and rilj but that doesn't or mustn't cause battery drain
I had a wakelock on one of the roms from a newsapp I used, it was SNS_Async or something... it drained my battery like hell. When I deleted the app it was gone. I used Gsam Battery Monitor to find out what was cousing this, as wakelock detector didn't find any clues on this problem, turned out the phone was constantly checking if it should display in portrait or landscape mode. I added a home screen link to the website which has a responsive layout so now it just sends me to the website, in Chrome beta it even makes the website behave like an app by removing searchbar etc.

So maybe try Gsam Battery Monitor :) ?
I think this MK42.2RC5DEBLOAT/6 uses slightly more battery then the Moonlight rom, you said Moonlight was based on Cofface right? I will flash that one tonight if I am right, please let me know :) thank you
Guys, try userspace governor! With rhis you can doenclock all cpus and save a lot of battery!

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Yes, moon light is based on cofface,by the way what radio do you have? Can you please tell us. My battery drain is because of Android system, I goggled in xda and solution found was to change radio
So please let me know ur radio
I don't have any wakelocks with this radio

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Ok, so here is my final battery test of MK42.2-RC5DEBLOAT (from OP), with 2000mah battery, on Xiaomi M2S 32GB:

This is satisfieing to me, all though I do not understand why it says my screen and wifi were on all night long..
I could go till the end of today (but I wanna try cofface now) with one charge, so two days is possible with normale screen on time, mobile network and wifi, plus 4 hours of music listening :)
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This with? 2000 or 3000 mah battery? Mi2s or mi2?

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@paulrlz : I'm looking for a solution without changes, when you get the best results on a certain rom, then afterwards you can make it even better by small tweaks like that.
Also I wonder, how do you use that governor?
I quote rootzwiki:
6: Userspace Governor:
This governor, exceptionally rare for the world of mobile devices, allows any program executed by the user to set the CPU's operating frequency. This governor is more common amongst servers or desktop PCs where an application (like a power profile app) needs privileges to set the CPU clockspeed.
You use an app to change the core frequencies?

And that is with 2000mah battery :D
I personally use faux123 app, but you can use nofrillscpu, antutu cpu master, or the performance setting from all cm roms.
Changing the cpu to userspace is not a small tweak :) Is an huge tweak for us that dont have any kernel wich permitts to tame all cpu cores to a certain cpu freq . Basically snapdragon processors are asimmetrical regarding cpu freq, so all 4 cores can have differnt frequencies at same time. The problem is that you can t assign a specific max cpu freq to all 4 cores, so 1 core is underclocked and 3 not. With userspace governor you can do this, with advanced system monitor from franco kernel app, i seen that all cpus are tamed to my max freq setting (1024mhz). This will save alot of battery, because less frequency you use, less power will use our processor. Another thing that i wanna do, is to try to activate ECO MODE that every snapdragon quad cpu have. Basically eco mode deactivate 2 cores of 4. So we will have an huge battery improvment. I wanna make another observation, as an older android modding user (htc hd2 froyo era to now), for my experience its normal for cm\aokp roms to have higher battery drain compared to miui\stock roms..

I do not want to offend you or your work, but you are planning to add some franko kernel\faux123 kernel feature from nexus 4? Not the fancys one, only the dinamic hotplug (the most important thing) instead of qualcomm mdprecision, ecomode, insert intellidemand (faux123 powersavegovernor), and a possibility to tame all cpu to same freq (snake charmer mode) and maybe you can build your rom and kernel with linaro toolchain to improve speed and have an huge battery save? I was able to reach 6h screen on time with 15/16 hours heavy usage or 1.5days with 4+ h screen time on nexus 4, 4.3 sabermod rom with franko\faux123 kernl with this tweaks, instead of 3/4 hours of screen on time with 12/13h use with stock or cm kernel.
I repeat, i do not want to offed you or your work, its only a suggestion from an ex nexus 4 user that flashed almost all roms on xda, official and unofficial, kernel and conbination, and i wanna share only my experience.
Ok, thanks for sharing :)
I have been looking for a way to disable two of the four cores to, as I think a dual core is more than enough.
But I guess like you say, we need hotplugging for that right?

About the userspace governor, I did not know it was possible only that way. Sound interesting, the best tweak then would be to disable two cores, lower the frequency of the two remaining cores and then undervolt, but then there is the need for a custom kernel.

As for my experience with CM vs. Stock, I do not really have experience with that. I bought my first Android phone only 6 months ago or something. The M2S is my third Android phone I have been using (Xperia SP, HTC One X, Xiaomi M2S).

On my Xperia SP, CM deffinitly gave me bettery battery time then Sony stock rom, but I guess by stock you meant Vanilla Android?
to stock i mean stock roms.. btw cyanogen roms + uv kernel with tweaks give better results
We needs eco mode, or dynamic hotplug from franco kernel.
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No, for this we need cpu table with freq less than 384..
This is my 2nd day with mk rc6..mixed mode, some plug for 1min in the usb.. userspace governor used for the lastest 5-6 hours.. much better than before.. accettable for me.


I/O: deadline
Governor:eek:ndemand then userspace
Always connected wifi/2g mixed mode
Deep sleep battery saver

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Trikster mod will do the job. For downclocking etc, we need custom kernel that support this feature.

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Yes, I'm now using trickster mod to set CPU Freq. and GPU freq. because I dont play games on my phone this could bring some extra battery.
But if I keep the governor on 'on demand' you say it will only downclock the first core?
When I look in trickster mod it says core 2,3,4 are offline, so I guess it doesn't really matter.. Like to hear your opinion :)

I'm still on RC5DEBLOAT, wanna use this a bit longer to see how it will work, tried cofface for some hours but battery drain seemed to much. Might be fine though... Don't know yet, but I guess this rom will be fine until Xiaomi will release an update :D
Our cpus are asyncronus, so system will turn off some when the don't need it. Ondemand change the frequence only to the first core. Sorry for my bad english, can't check spells I'm on mobile

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No problem, I understand you perfectly well.
That means that when you do not demand the use of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th core there will be no difference whether I use user space as governor or on demand. It will give be useful when you are using the 2nd, 3rd, 4th core.. Which I hardly use so I'm gonna try on demand with lower CPU and GPU freq. now, maybe later try user space.

For now I'm kind of satisfied with battery consumption, allthough could be better :)
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The most stable rom is QDT14 from Xiaomi, here is how I use my phone with Xposed framework and some other minor changes to get the Cyanogen options back:
I'm using this rom, official Xiaomi Rom QDT14 (Vanilla Android 4.1.1):
Found here:

Actually I use a slightly edited version which you should use instead because of less bloatware and way better camera!! I've uploaded it for you on my Google Drive so you can choose yourself:
(M1chaa also edited this rom its on the forum here somewhere... that one has no bloatware and is already rooted, so its better! hehe)
Here is the thread where you can find M1cha's version.

Flash it with CWM, then flash Gapps, I use CM10.0.x Gapps found here:
After flash, CWM asks if you want to flash new boot, you dont want that, you want to keep CWM I guess.

Then I install Apex Launcher and set it up the way I like it.

I install Google Keyboard found here(So I have my own language when typing):

(This step is not needed when you use M1cha's rom, it has root already)
I use the app framaroot.apk to root the device, look here (Select Gandalf and the app will install SuperSU):

Then I use Xposed Framework:

With Xposed Framework I use Gravity box to get back CM functionality, lots of things are there, just not the android 4.2+ Quicksetting toggles, just search for "Gravity box" in Xposed apps download selection.

I use intelli3g, another Xposed Module, to let my phone automaticly switch to 2G when in standby which saves a lot of battery, when you unlock the screen it automaticly switches on to 3G... there is a lot of other options. Just look at it:
Here is a thread about this app:

You could also use MiCore for undervolting and downclocking but I do not need it as I get amazing battery life!

I'm using this for more then 2 months now and it is fantastic.
You can put the phone in "battery saving mode" but I found out it does not make a big difference in battery life, but it does make a difference in overall smoothness/responsiveness of the phone so from now on I'm using "normal power mode" and it works even better :D

Some tip I got from, I believe it was Paulrlzz, if you want theme support like in CM use this.
XDA XthemeEngine

And here is how to port CM themes to this Xthemer:

And for all the KitKat fans, use this theme:

I found out XthemeEngine did not work on my phone unless I flashed it as a system app, it still gives an error when opening the module, but when I click outside of the confirmation box the app works...
So here is a .rar file with, XthemeEngine which is you can flash, this way it will work, Framaroot.apk, GoogleKeybord.apk, Miui Camera for stock rom and a bootanimation which I like a lot more then stock Miui :)

I also added this to the OP