Sense-like Weather app?


28 Nov 2011
does anyone know if there's a native miui weather app? or, if i could somehow get the apk for the sense one? all of the 3rd party weather apps ive downloaded from the Market/PlayStore are awful. and i just really like the smoothness of the sense app...


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There is a native MIUI app, but its hardcoded to Chinese locations. Mark hacked together a beatiful fix a year ago, but that has since been outdated. Xiaomi might work towards an international friendly app, but till then sorry :(

Theres an app I worked on called 1Weather. Its pretty revolutionary in its UI.
ugh. isnt miui international? why hasnt it been made. priority to allow ALL of its users be able to know their weather forecast?

is 1weather still around?

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ugh. isnt miui international? why hasnt it been made. priority to allow ALL of its users be able to know their weather forecast?

is 1weather still around?

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Gonna have to talk to Xiaomi about that weather thing. They built the app, but didn't include a true weather API.

1Weather still exists. Just look for it on the market.
Search the market for "MIUI digital weather clock" by Factory Widgets. Same look as the widget ibot is talking about, but is customizable with worldwide locations.