Stuck With Broken Miui Install, Twrp Dissapeared, Fastboot Not Working..

28 Mar 2011
Hi all!

Got a MI4W with MIUI7. Flashed TWRP and rooted the device. Wanted to install MIUI8 but failed because of the wrong partition size. Read that installing a specivic MIUI6 DEV build will merge the partitions safely. Downloaded and installed it through the Update App.

Phone rebootet into the MIUI bootloader, TWRP was gone. On Reboot it installed the Update, but then I ended up with a broken install. I am stuck at the lockscreen, my touch input gets displayed, but beside that the phone does not react to anything. Luckily I am still able to copy files on the phone through the file explorer.

When I enter fastboot the phone does not get recognised. I can't flash a new bootloader. So I downloaded the latest MIUI flash, but it does not recognize the phone either.

I would be very thankfull for tipps on how to proceed now.
Have you tried the Miui Flash Beta? I had the same problem of phone not being recognized by MiFlash, but then downloaded the beta and it worked fine.
i know it is an old post but the miflash is not working on mi4c try "MiFlash 2015. 10.28.0" and good luck