Working a new M1-based MacBook Air/Pro


3 May 2020
Hi All!

I desperately needed to flash after an update to Android 11 left me without Google framework or the use of any google apps.

Also, I only have Apple computers, which limits most of my options. In addition, I only have M1 (ARM)-powered machines at home (and it is the holiday season). I starting working the old way with terminal and ADB and even then it was challenging to get homebrew going compared to the old x86 way of doing things.

Then, I found XiaoMiTool V2, that I can't recommend enough.

If you're on a Mac or have access to a Mac, I would recommend this piece of software and everything is streamlined.

I'm currently waiting for the 7 days to expire, but it seems that this piece of software makes everything smooth and it even has the option to add stable or developer ROMs.

Anyway, I'm sure that more people will end up here as Android 11 rolls out and if anyone is Mac-only like me, I hope this message helps.

Hope that everyone has a happy and healthy 2021, compared to the ****** 2020 that we all endured!