
Jun 13, 2024
Hi from a Xiaomi 11Tpro basic user, idk nothing about ROM or similar.
I have a problem, and could appreciate any help, please, resolving this issue I have.
So, before the HyperOS update (, UKDEUMIX) in lock screen , I was able to slide/push down on the left side and see all of my notifications, so I was able to "peek" in my notifications, open or dismiss them.
Now, I have to unlock my screen to see and manage notifications, and it's annoying.
I don't want them floating on my lock screen cuz it's making me "overwhelmed", don't know how to explain, makes me uncomfortable to have all that happening at once on screen. I have lots of notifications.
Is there a fix or something to have notification visible like before?
Attached is ss of my lock screen with notifications.


  • Screenshot_2024-06-13-17-40-36-240_lockscreen.jpg
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