I decided to give this rom a try. Let's see whether I will be content with it.
Also, @
paulrlz (or anybody else, but paulrlz has been testing this rom for quite some time hehe)
What did you use as battery settings? Power saving on and which CPU mode? It seemed the battery drained faster when I enabled these options, but maybe I should not have turned them both on at the same time. Would be happy to know which settings people are using.
I only use normal mode, + save power on (click on it on the left for submenu). Power save change the governor to Msmdcvs, max 1ghz, normal mode have interactive at 1.7ghz, but i dont know why, battery life its the same. Anyway, i m using the rom from maybe 8-10 days, its good, better than 4.1 (splitted notification panel, finally!). Aosp4.1 have still bettere battery life (10% more). There are some bugs, like slow speed downloads (only for the firs day), some random reboots (1 at day), and the battery, every 1/2 days, starts to drain faster than the normal, just power off the phone, (not reboot), fix this.
Battery life is great after first day of use, At night i turned flight mode on and in 7.5 hours it drained 4%
Verstuurd vanaf mijn MI 2S met Tapatalk
Not bad, but if you use greenefy, you can improve this.I had 0.5\1% battery drain in 8 hours in fly mode
Tips: I found that msmdcvs is the better governor for battery life, especially if used with deadline I\O

Anyway, you will have slow wake up, you can fix this by raising up the min cpu freq