New Issues Mi3W (SMS,Mail,System), MIUI-4.5.9

Sergey Rusak

6 Jan 2014

Model: MI 3W
Android Version: 4.4.2
MIUI Version: MIUI-4.5.9
B.Number: KVT49L
Def. Systme Lang.: English
Additional Keyboard Lang.: Russian

Exchage Server:
Version: E2007 SP3 R13

Issues with SMS and Exchange were in previous versions of the miui too.

  1. Thank you for magnifier for mi3 (it hasn't worked till this release, nevertheless it was enabled). But I got issue with word correction. I attached the screenshot where I entered wrong word and I wanted to correct it. Helper marked it as wrong word too. I tried to move cursor to center of word with magnifier but correction mechanism pull it back to the end of bad word.
  2. Magnifier doesn't work in mail app too. It shows big words but cursor doesn't move. I say more, it's (cursor) hidden. You can't put it to the right place.
  3. Icons. They are corrupted. From time to time I started getting artifacts (only from the last update):
    Screenshot_2014-05-10-15-13-08.jpg Screenshot_2014-05-10-16-51-37.jpg

    Sometimes all works fine. Sometimes - not.
  4. What I changed in logs (attached):
    Exchnage Account Name -> _____EAN_____
    My Exchange Address -> _____EMAIL_____
    My Exchange Corporate Name -> _____ECN_____

    IMAP Account Name -> _____IAN_____
    My IMAP Address -> _____IMAIL_____

    Gmail Account Name -> _____GAN_____
    My Gmail Address -> _____GMAIL_____

    Xiaomi Account -> _____XA_____

    What I did:
    Exchange (Mail App):

    Actions in logs:
    1. Opened mail application -> app crashed (!instantly) -> sent a report
    2. Opened mail application again -> tried to create new mail from exchange account to exchange user, where email of the user was typing char by char (dynamically drop down list of users) -> 1-2 sec -> crashed -> sent a report
    3. Repeated point 2 -> crashed

    SMS Service:

    Actions in logs:
    1. Opened SMS Service -> created a new SMS -> entered a wrong russian word (with a mistake) -> selected the correct word on helper line -> OK
    2. Repeated the same action with another (different) russian word -> selected the correct word - app crashed - sent report
    It was a lucky case when SMS application didn't crash on point 1. Usually it crashes immediately when I choose a correct word. So, I try to avoid to use with correction service.
Thank you for great work,


    593.6 KB · Views: 347
Made a full factory reset: removed all personal data and apps. Installed multi-4.5.9 (English) on both partitions. All MiCloud sync services were enabled.

1. Icons artifacts are gone (till this moment).
2. MiCloud sign screen -> login step: abnormal font size of "Show hidden password" with XML/HTML tags.
3. It's impossible to use SMS Cloud because every incoming sms causes SMS app crash. No one cloud sms has been written to sms chat log. I had to ask my friends to disable this service for me on their devices. Simple gsm sms arrives without problem. Tmorrow I'll try to get some logs from phone. Nevertheless, I sent a few bug reports.
4. Mail application stops crashing on every start. However it still crashes when typing user name/email in "To"'s field for Exchange (Corporate) account.
5. New emails notifications with subjects in Status bar have XML/HTML tags, like: "<b>hello</b>".
1. Icons artifacts are gone (till this moment).
Fail. They're here. And also there're a lot of new artifacts in the other places. Sometimes whole application loses its normal view.
3. It's impossible to use SMS Cloud because every incoming sms ca...
See attached log.
4. Mail application stops crashing on every start. However it still crashes when typing user name/email in "To"'s field for Exchange (Corporate) account.
Fail. Mail application crashes if it has a new mail notice when user tries to start it. In another words if I have red notice in the right corner of the mail icon, application will 100% crash.
5. New emails notifications with subjects in Status bar have XML/HTML tags, like: "<b>hello</b>".
Screenshot_2014-05-12-12-44-38.jpg Screenshot_2014-05-12-16-06-25.jpg

In addition, I've lost more 50% of battery in one day. Today I used my phone even less than usually. Usually battery loses 30%-35% per day.

Replaces in the log:

Recipient phone number -> _____RPN_____
Sender phone number -> _____SPN_____
Phone number part 12345678 (??? excluded, like +12345678??? -> +_____PNP_____???) -> _____PNP_____
Another number part [12345678??] (??? excluded, like [12345678??] -> [_____APNP_____??]) -> _____APNP_____
Xiaomi Account -> _____XA_____


    273.7 KB · Views: 362
Hi! It doesn't help. I did it yesterday. See post #2.

Made a full factory reset: removed all personal data and apps. Installed multi-4.5.9 (English) on both partitions. All MiCloud sync services were enabled.

I can reinstall ROM every day but it's boring :D
Thank you for your answer.
Enable "Disable HW Overlays" in Development Options to temporary fix graphic issues.

Wysłane z MI3
Hi again :)

Enable "Disable HW Overlays" in Development Options to temporary fix graphic issues.

Wysłane z MI3
Thank you for help. If I run into this problem again, I'll enable this option and write here if it helps.

ok so try MiFlash and Wipe all...
What I made:
1. Installed MiPhone20131108 and flashed cancro_images_4.5.9_4.4_cn_56b0b2033d with FULL wiping.
2. Then I installed miuiandroid_multi_cancro_4.5.9_kk-4.4 from recovery mode ( to partition ONE.
3. Then I installed from first multiMIUI miuiandroid_multi_cancro_4.5.9_kk-4.4 to another partition (TWO).
4. FULL wipe again from recovery mode.
5. I got some small bugs during basic setup (attached).
Screenshot_2014-05-13-06-00-23.jpg Screenshot_2014-05-13-06-01-17.jpg
6. Mail: it still crashes. For example: I try to open new mails from status bar. I open bar, click on <b>Bla-bla-bla</b> (yep, tags, from time to time, are still here) and nothing happens. As I guess, I get silent app crash. Or I can get "loud" crash while searching for MS Exchange accounts. Nevertheless, app stops crashing if try to open it by icon when I get new messages. And "push service" now works.
7. MiCloud SMS still crashes. I tried to get a few messages. And I couldn't. I had to disable it.
8. SMS application can close in any moment. Now I try to write sms as fast as i can because if app crashes, nothing saves. No errors, no reports. Just close and lose everything.

If I get something new, I'll report here. Wipes and flashing didn't help.
Thank you.