Swedish language


2 Oct 2013
Sounds good. If I buy Mi3 I Think I must load the Swedish language. Maby it´s allready installed?
Nope. You would have to wait for our multilang rom.
I'm new on this forum. I have just bought a mi5 with "MIUI 7 Global 6.5.30 Beta" installed on it. But unfortunately there was no Swedish language option available. Is that available for download? If it is it will be really appreciated if somebody can send me a link preferable together with some kind of instruction as I'm in some kind of learning phase.
Please also let med know if I can help.
It's been fully translated now, just need to wait for someone (affiliated with the project?) to approve the translations.
Dont get your hopes up, it was already at 100% at one point but then new strings were added. Personally I dont care if its not 100% translated as most is already translated. I asked dev about it before a few times but didnt got any reply so I dont think it will get added. I stumbled upon the greek miui site though which might have swedish but I havent personally tried it and cant vouch for it but might be worth taking a look at

Use google translate

or https://goo.gl/lyfJI8 incase above doesnt work

Edit: No swedish in there either so dont bother about it :/
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We can possibly try and port in the current iteration of swedish ourselves with the help of jbart following this guide with some slight modifications http://forum.xda-developers.com/general/general/jbart-add-language-miui8-t3463276 (same from http://en.miui.com/thread-360154-1-1.html )

I probably wont have time to check it out until in the weekend but this might work
I am sorry but I don't have a clue what you are talking about but it all sounds good.

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk
This has annoyed me far too long now so I have finally managed to figure out how to successfully translate apks and I will keep translating the regular good miui apps along with the settings menu and drop-down and possibly some tweaks.

Ive chosen to base this on miui stable from xiaomi.eu and I hope this version doesnt have any annoying bugs or something else disturbing.

This might work with other miui versions and devices but first things first :) You will need root anyway to apply this when its done
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If you make a github repo with Swedish language, can be included in our roms.. Follow our translation guide..

~Tapatalk Mi5~
That would be lovely, there is however already 95% translated at the crowdin site which is where I pick the translation files from and right now im not invested in github yet being the "amateur" I am but I might try and figure that one out as that would be the best option for future releases etc

Edit: 90% now lol, wtf is up with that?
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I see now why the translation on crowdin isnt validated, there are quite a few duplicates which then throws errors on you when compiling
Ok so I started a github account and created a new project https://github.com/tndb/MIUI-8-SWEDISH

I grabbed "template-files" from https://github.com/Acid-miuipolskapl/v8-XML-Compare/tree/master/gemini

Ive translated the extras folder and gonna chew threw the rest in main folder in the coming days/weeks

Ive already added sv to all the values folders (values-sv) so it should be good to compile I guess? (just not with full swedish yet)

Can I ask/bother you @ingbrzy to take a quick peek incase ive made any fatal error or everything looks alright and I can resume translate the files? :)
Ok so I started a github account and created a new project https://github.com/tndb/MIUI-8-SWEDISH

I grabbed "template-files" from https://github.com/Acid-miuipolskapl/v8-XML-Compare/tree/master/gemini

Ive translated the extras folder and gonna chew threw the rest in main folder in the coming days/weeks

Ive already added sv to all the values folders (values-sv) so it should be good to compile I guess? (just not with full swedish yet)

Can I ask/bother you @ingbrzy to take a quick peek incase ive made any fatal error or everything looks alright and I can resume translate the files? :)
good job...
add me (ingbrzy) and (MarkH-UK) as collaborators to the repo...
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