Ref: Xiaomi Mi 10 (umi)
I have been looking at the 'new' recovery-TWRP-3.4.2B-1206-XIAOMI10-CN-wzsx150.img (possibly now referred to as
TWRP 3.4.2b-1206). This is a more stable version of its predecessor (3.4.2b-0623). However, you still have the long waits, and still have to aim below where you want to click! The
3.4.2b-1206 can reside in recovery memory without adversely affecting things. However, you still cannot boot directly into it (from the system) - you end up in Fastboot. Neither the Power menu, nor Power & Vol+ will go into Recovery. You finish up in Fastboot.
The stable 3.4.0 (LittleTurtle2333) is still being installed with the ROM.
Those who want to remain installing through USB-OTG (or without decryption) need do absolutely nothing, and continue as before. However, because there is no decryption, the Dalvik and cache cannot be cleared.
Those who want to install (and do other things, like backup

) through TWRP can either leave the 3.4.0 in recovery memory or flash the
3.4.2b-1026 to recovery memory. My (brief) testing has shown
3.4.2b-1026 to be stable to remain in memory. However you will still have to boot into TWRP (whichever version) through Fastboot.