- 19 Apr 2014
- 3,562
- 332
read my howto..Hi all,
I'm not sure if this has been asked before - there are 232 pages right now to catch up - so please bear with me.
After several unsuccessful attempts with the howto's on this site, I finally factory reset my XM11TPro. After that, every install of the latest image (13.0.6) failes with:
assert failed: update_dynamic_partitions(package_extract_file("dynamic_partitions_op_list"))
Updater process ended with ERROR: 1
Error installing zip file '/usb_otg/xiaomi.eu_multi_XM11TPro_V13.0.6.0.SKDMIXM_v13_12.zip'
Updating partition details...
Failed to mount '/system/root (No such file or directory)
Failed to mount '/system/root_ext' (No such file or directory)
Failed to mount '/product' (No such file or directory)
After that, a system reboot starts MIUI 13 from scratch, but I think it's stock global, not EU version (too few layout options).
How can I correct this / what did I do wrong? Please advice.

[HowTo] Install Recovery image
How to install a xiaomi.eu recovery image Because of more and more working TWRP or OrangeFox on MIUI13 Android12 a little How To and here we go .... Unlock your device (only once) - you need to unlock bootloader -> a small [howto] to unlock bootloader Install Tools and Drivers - install USB...