
  1. S

    What tools should and shouldn't I use to flash and repair my Xiaomi?

    I've just bought a Xiaomi Mi 8 phone with Chinese ROM and I'm about to flash a new ROM, maybe the Xiaomi.eu ROM. I also want to but a deep flash cable, just in case. I've found there are many programs: XiaomiTool, MiFlash, XiaomiADB, My PC Suite, other... and many different adb drivers...
  2. N

    Bootloop everytime i flash xiaomi.eu rom

    Hello everyone I have an xiaomi mi 6 ceramic and is running miui 10 8.7.5 global beta, twrp and supersu. I purchased global edition. Every time i try flash whit any rom from xiaomi.eu i got bootloop. I want so bad run this roms but cant install. All my steps are Twrp Install Restart. And...
  3. MaxLucky

    New Hmnote2 (hermes) Problems After Flash Process...

    Hello friends:), i have flash my Redmi Note 2 to stable rom xiaomi.eu_multi_HMNote2_V9.2.2.0.LHMCNEK_v9-5.0, because there will be no more weekly rom release for this phone.... The flash process work without any problems. But now the system apps (like photo gallery) and some other apps (like...
  4. O

    Lockscreen Password Isn't Recognized Anymore

    Hi community, my Redmi Note 3 from 2/2017 doesn't recognize my unlock password on lockscreen anymore after accidentally entering Fastboot mode on phone and then rebooting normally. The phone is completely stock with locked bootloader (I think they all are in stock) and USB debugging disabled...
  5. Hitardo

    Stuck In Mi Logo After Flashing Xiaomi.eu

    EDIT: See this thread and post: https://xiaomi.eu/community/threads/install-miui-eu-rom-on-mi6.40119/page-2#post-379350 I solve the situationist through a Windows program that does everything for you: http://xiaomitool.com/ Just choose your ROM of choice: Global, Xiaomi.eu, Developer or...
  6. S

    How To Flash .eu Rom On My Redmi Pro With Fake Rom Via Ubuntu (linux)

    Hey guys, I own a redmi pro with a fake stable global rom. I would like to have an official rom. I only use the English language in my phone and need google apps. I understand that China Dev rom would be an oke choice. But also i understand that for an .EU rom you first need to get a China Dev...
  7. Simonvinder

    Stuck On Miui 5.12.11 And Android 4.4.4

    Hi guys, I've been looking around the forum, but I didn't manage to find a proper solution. I did find some that were close though. Basically I'm stuck on an old version of MIUI and an old Android version. I don't get any updates anymore. I would like to know if it is possible to move on from...
  8. LaurentiuCTN

    Clean Install Custom Rom On Xiaomi Mi5

    Hello, I want to do a clean install of a xiaomi.eu ROM. Which are the methods to do a clean and fresh install? And which version of MIUI you recommend? PS: I want to clean all files in phone (every single file). I want my phone to be cleaned like it has left the factory before I install a new...
  9. E

    Redmi Pro Dead After Update

    i was on 7.3.16 and my phone came overheated, so hat that i can cook an egg on it. then i just turn it of but the phone doesn't turn on. it doesn't make any try to turn on or something. is totally dead. is there any way to do something about?? because i love my phone and i miss it :( if i can...
  10. M

    Help Installing Xiaomi.eu Rom?

    Hello. I buyed a Xiaomi Redmi 3S with 2GB ram. Currently i have Xiaomi Global 8.1 Stable installed. I wan't install Xiaomi.eu Rom. I already ask xiaomi to unlock bootloader. Now, what do i need to do? If Xiaomi gives me unlock bootloader what do i need to do? I'm scare if i brick my phone. Will...
  11. S

    Urgent Problem After Flash Rom!

    Hi I explain briefly what happened.I purchased my first xiaomi, redmi 4G, and once unlocked bootloader I have flashed a Rom Xiaomi.eu.All ok,except for one thing, once you start the SIM card terminal is fully off .Always "no Service", also a notification appears with "SIM failed or not...
  12. Risuno

    Bricked Phone. Tried A Lot Of Stuff But Couldn't Fix It. Help Please :(

    Ok, I could imagine this is a tough one: I had problems with my GPS, so I wanted to get root access. Contacted Xiaomi to unlock my phone: worked fine. Next up to get it rooted, I installed a fresh version of the TWRP recovery, since the old one for some reason disappeared after I installed the...
  13. Y

    [help] Flash Xiaomi.eu Rom To Xiaomi Mi2

    Currently I'm using my MiNote but yesterday I searched for my old Mi2 in order to bring it back to life. Because to a softbrick I had to flash the following fastboot ROM aries_images_7.3.9_20170309.0000.00_5.0_cn_2b490c6346 via the command prompt and I could successfully install the ROM and...
  14. R

    Updating From Android 5.1.1 To Nougat

    Hello Friends, I want to Update my Mi4S to the new Android 7 Nougat Update and have some Questions about that. i always flash this way Wipe Cache Data/Factory Reset Wipe Dalvik Cache Wipe system Wipe Data After this Procedure i want to clean Flash the Android 7 Nougat update with the New...
  15. Z

    Re-lock Bootloader After Xiaomi.eu Rom Flashing

    Can someone please tell me if it's possible to re-lock the bootloader after flashing a Xiaomi.eu ROM? I already tried to do it, but the phone doesn't boot anymore when I re-lock the bootloader. If not possible, can please someone explain me why we can't do it?!
  16. F

    Is There A Multi-langage Rom For Sp-flash Tools ?

    Hello all, After a root attempt that went wrong, I was forced to flash my redmi pro with a spflashtools Chinese rom. My bootloader is closed and I have only the Chinese translation on my phone. It's a hell. Is there a multilanguage rom that is flashable by spflash tools? if you have a link...
  17. D

    Can I Flash Xiaomi.eu Stable On Miuiglobal 7.1.19beta?

    Hello, I want to ask if I can move from MIUI.com Gobal Developer ROM v 7.1.19 to Xiaomi.eu stable .. I have already unlocked my bootloader, but I don't have an option to root it from security app, because I don't have china dev rom, but global dev rom. Do I need just to install TWRP via...
  18. (b_a)

    Wt88047 / 2014811 Rom On My 2014813 Device?

    What would happen if I flash the wt88047 / 2014811 / HM2XWCPro on my wt86047 / 2014813 / HM2XTDProd device? Will it work? Can I carry out some steps to make it work?
  19. S

    Update Problems, Shop/custom Rom -> Official Rom

    Hi! I have a locked Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 Prime (3gb/64gb) with MIUI Stable (Custom Rom applied by the shop, for supporting german language) I cant update the phone due to "cant connect to wifi", even with connected wifi (it is working, all apps can use it). Also updating via zip file...
  20. M

    Guide To Fix Bootloop And Other Software Problems

    Hello Xiaomi forum members, I've made a video a while ago, this video will help fixing bootloop and other software faults. (also can be used for downgrading) Before watching the video make sure to backup your data (if possible) because after this flash you will lose all of your data, if you...