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No drain here.... fresh roms need time to settle, plus stop using so many apps which have update intervals of one second lol

I have also maguro... using franco.kernel with CPU set 1000MHz max and there is no problem with battery drain...

I started using MIUI (again) last week. I think it works a bit smoother after last update on my Galaxy Nexus. The only thing that bothers me is battery drain... I hope there will be some improvement in near future :p

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Guys, how is the overall performance on the gnex? Haven't used the ROM in two weeks - has the lockscreen lag been fixed and has led notification customisation been added?
I think the lockscreen works better in last build... But then again I only know how it was in previous one :p
In general everything works fine and smooth for me, at least features I've been using so far.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Guys! What about the Googles app?? Maps, google play are not able to launch. Is this my problem or global?? I use an SGS2. Thanks your answer
Thanks your answer I will install it soon, but why not included in the future? Do you know it?
Answer is simple - Google Apps makes zips heavier but they are repeatable in every release. There in no need to download then every time. It is enough to download them once, put on SD card and flash them every week after ROM update.
What happened to the support/releases for the Galaxy Nexus (Toro)? I see the GSM (Maguro) there, and in last weeks release. It seems like the Toro has been dropped??
@admins: d2att and hwu9500 on goo.im site have different MD5 as in the OP. Now downloading them from files.miuiandroid.com...lets see
hey, where can i get google apps for galaxy s2? i wiped everything on my phone and now i dont have play store
Hey again. I keep getting an error "Mediaserver" when using the camera and the screen is black. My phone is a galaxy s2
To those with performance issues on the Arc S,

The issue is the kernel and is the same for all Xperia 2011's running ICS. I've recently ported/patched a new kernel based on KRsH that has drastically increased performance for the Xperia Play and Neo L (both are slightly less powerful than the Arc S). I am still in the process of adding Arc S support for miuiaustralia.com's ROM, so please stay tuned and keep an eye out on the XDA Development section.

I need to gather some data from Arc S users in order to build the kernel, if you wish to help please leave a reply on this thread. Thanks!
is my wifi still doesn't work? i updated/flashed with a fresh start *wiped everything*. sorry for my whining. :confused:
-i turn wifi on, says connecting, doesn't connect and then wifi turns off. tried with multiple wifi's. but with unofficial JB it works fine.-
hello there.. :)
i'm using MIUI ROM 2.10.12 on my EVO 3D, it's work fine except one thing. The WiFi cannot connect to a Hidden SSID, since i hide my WiFi SSID at home i cannot connect to it. Does someone here have a a same issue? please advice.
secondly, do i need to do a full wipe (data, cache, dalvik, etc) for the 2.10.26? or just a wipe cache and dalvik cache is good enough? :)
is my wifi still doesn't work? i updated/flashed with a fresh start *wiped everything*. sorry for my whining. :confused:
-i turn wifi on, says connecting, doesn't connect and then wifi turns off. tried with multiple wifi's. but with unofficial JB it works fine.-
go serch on play store, wifi fix etc etc,,
is my wifi still doesn't work? i updated/flashed with a fresh start *wiped everything*. sorry for my whining. :confused:

Make sure you install the included kernel and are running the latest baseband for your device.

hello there.. :)
do i need to do a full wipe (data, cache, dalvik, etc) for the 2.10.26? or just a wipe cache and dalvik cache is good enough? :)

Wiping dalvik-cache is never necessary for ICS and later and wiping cache is rarely needed. Only a Factory Reset is needed if you have issues.

Do we have a rom for Xperia Acro S....???

Is it listed? No.
can anyone tell me that the drop down notification bar is smooth or not on galaxy nexus yet?
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