[2014-07-08] ClockworkMod Recovery


Hi,M1cha.I am porting slimRom for aries by making the android source.Firstly,It tips 'Could not stat dex cache directory '/cache/dalvik-cache': No such file or directory',and can't reboot. I add 'dalvik.vm.dexopt-data-only=1'.It can reboot .And the usb storage,and phone is ok,(I use anthor phone testing it). I can not light the screen just like the phone is off,through you can touch it.
This is my lastest logcat. http://pastebin.com/fiBNLsEw But I didn't find the fatal error. Could you give some tips?THX.
I wanna ask sth maybe dummy... Who made this recovery? i mean its not official as i cannot find it in the cwm page... thanks in advance!
the creator of this thread....me :p
Edit: I meant I've just ported it to mi2. The creator of the software is koush
the creator of this thread....me :p
Edit: I meant I've just ported it to mi2. The creator of the software is koush

As of now we have working CM 10.1/CM 10.2
Can you try CWM touch? or TWRP?
Also if i'm doing factory/reset for system 2 , some of the system1 settings are being removed
My TestCase:
System1: Latest MIUI rom, applied theme, changed font,wallpaper etc etc,
System2: Latest CM 10.2

When did data/factory reset for system2 and boot into system1, the theme of miui will be default one, wallpaper will be default
Can you look into it??? I think it has something to do with wipe cache, Am i correct?
You right, it happens when you wipe cache, even if you are not on dualboot.

Odoslané z ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T cez Tapatalk 4
The problem is that miui stores some settings on the cache partition and cwm doesn't virtually split this partition.
I could try to add some exceptions for for miui settings.

about "As of now we have working CM 10.1/CM 10.2": As long as I'm not finished with my opensource kernel any custom rom is unusable for me...
I have a lot of troubles with the CWM recovery. When I try to disable/enable TDB, I receive almost every time the error E:TrueDualBoot:Failed to mount data.

Wipe data/factory reset isn't possible, phone hangs on formatting data, I need to reboot and then he can't mount cache anymore. Several reboots in recovery, and keep trying to enable/disable TDB eventually resolves this problem, but it takes really a lot of time to do this :(

And what bothers me most: I can't flash the weekly updates. CWM always hangs on installing update... And then I have to redo the above procedure (disable TDB -> enable TDB).

Any advise on this? Someone has this too? I reinstalled the recovery several times, I even reflashed the phone completely to stock (so also stock recovery), and the reflashed CWM, but it stays the same :'(

I found a thread on miui.com about this error, but my Chinese isn't good enough, and the translation that google translate offers me is just rubbish...
it sounds like your data partition is corrupt and can't be mounted. if TDB is enabled CWM doesn't try a filesystem format.
Try to disable TDB and then go to "mounts and storage"->"format /data".
If this process finished within 1-2s then it didn't recreate the filesystem and I should fix this.

However you should be able to fix this by installing stock recovery and formatting data then.
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New Installation Guide:

*Enable your USB-debugging in Developer Setting.

1. Download this Recovery.img and extract to c:\
2. Have Android SDK ready with ADB
Download - platform-tool and possibly android USB drivers
3. Boot your phone to FASTBOOT mode. [Power+Down]
Make sure your windows recognized your fastboot.

4. go to Android-SDK/platform-tools folder
have a command there type:-

fastboot flash recovery c:\recovery.img

to boot into CWM
Hold Power+Up buttons

Finally press LIKE if i helped you.
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cannot be. i flashed this few times. no problem at all.

make sure u successfully installed in recovery. keep holding power+up button till u see the CWM
if u're still talking about your problems with formatting/wiping you could try to format partitions with fastboot:
fastboot format cache
and if you don't mind about your data:
fastboot format data(or userdata I'm not sure)
Question: Its possible to go restore the phone to the default system boot, after u've used truedual? How? It's just enough to turn it off from cwm? What happens to files? Someone tryed it?
Can someone port the twrp? It's better than the cwm....

Inviato dal mio MI 2s usando Tapatalk 4
Question: Its possible to go restore the phone to the default system boot, after u've used truedual? How? It's just enough to turn it off from cwm? What happens to files? Someone tryed it?
If you turn it off all data will be wiped(you'll get a warning before it'll really delete everything).
That's why you need to take a backup of your systems(which you can restore after disabling TDB).

Can someone port the twrp? It's better than the cwm....

Maybe when cm10.2 is ready and stable. But currently this is absolutely not important.
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M1cha, I would add an optional setting to true dual boot to link to a SD card folder.

It would increase the amount of available data for apps.

Sent from my MI 2 using Tapatalk 4
I don't add a password for two reasons:
1) this is port and not a mod
2) any protection would be useless because we have a unlocked bootloader
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I understand that the bootloader is unlocked. I am physically disabled volume down.
but I want to get the updates. but after the update avast anti thief disappears. At least a simple protection. I will be very grateful!