MULTI 5.11.12/13

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ingbrzy Project Leader
Staff member
11 Feb 2012
Status: Done





Xiaomi devices:
  • Install via OTA or Updater app
Xiaomi MiNote PRO (leo) Installation:
Xiaomi Mi4i (ferrari) Installation:
Xiaomi Mi4c (libra) Installation:
Xiaomi Redmi Note 2/Prime (hermes) installation:
  • Install our ROM via TWRP

Other OFFICIAL devices:
  • Install via OTA or Download and flash Multilang
Other UNOFFICIAL devices and PORTS:
  • Download and flash our current Multi language ROM in CWM
  • Follow XML changes in Source of MIUIv7 here
  • Our translation guide is here
  • Check for errors in your repo here
Give kudos to your translators. This is a huge group effort and continues to grow bigger!
Language included in our MIUIv7:

  • All credits to @Roeano for T9 dialer mod - any issue or request report here
  • MIUI Changelog + See CHANGELOG for your language...
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Fix - Sometimes Internet calls could not be made in 2G network (11-10)

Fix - Mi Cloud namecard contacts were not included in Mi Account contacts (11-11)

[Lockscreen, Status Bar, Notification Bar]
Optimization - No service icon in status bar (11-06)
Optimization - Lockscreen camera shortcut is hidden in Child mode (11-06)
Optimization - Support changing wallpaper from top right corner in lockscreen when daily lockscreen is enabled (11-09)

[Home screen]
Optimization - Icons' names shadow effect when using light colored wallpapers (11-09)

Fix - Random FC error when scanning shared albums (11-10)

Optimization - ‘Discover’ page updates online music resources more timely (11-10)
Optimization - Support choosing from several modes when playing with car bluetooth (11-10)

New - Added Transfer feature to help move data from an old Mi device to a new one (11-10)

[File Explorer]
New - Support adding folders to private folder (11-09)
New - Allow selecting restore path when disabling private settings (11-09)

Fix - FC error (11-11)

Optimized options for Settings - Advanced Settings - Battery - Battery saver
Optimized Browser front page
Added Daily lockscreen changing interval
From early October 2015 I am in possession of my first device Xiaomi. I would like to thank the team of for the immense effort it takes to finally optimize Roms for us European users. I am impressed to see all the work that is being done. Thanks also to all the people registered at the Forum that make Xiaomi a big family. The valuable information of all of us, contribute to having devices always best for our use. Have fun with Xiaomi. Hello

Dai primi giorni di ottobre 2015 sono in possesso del mio primo device Xiaomi. Vorrei ringraziare tutto il Team di per l'immenso sforzo che impiega alfine di ottimizzare le Roms per noi utenti Europei. Sono colpito dal vedere tutto il lavoro che viene svolto. Grazie anche a tutte le persone iscritte al Forum che rendono Xiaomi una grande famiglia. Le preziose informazioni di tutti noi, contribuiscono ad avere dispositivi sempre migliori per il nostro utilizzo. Buon divertimento a tutti con Xiaomi. Ciao
Downloading. Is there info whether Redmi Note 2 will be updated to Android 6 ?
Thank you for your hard work!
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Reactions: MatrixLinux
Downloading. Is there info whether Redmi Note 2 will be updated to Android 6 ?
Thank you for your hard work!
I think so. The current Android compared to other devices and 'a little' "backward" but very stable. I prefer 5 without problems. Try to do some research on the Internet. Hello, good day
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Thanks for the new update.
Has the problem with 3rd party widgets with the backup been sorted yet?
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Hi! I also after upgrade my redmi note 2 have WiFi problems. The WiFi don't work. I access to engineer mode in phone and WiFi modem seems disconnected

Enviado desde mi Redmi Note 2 mediante Tapatalk
What battery profile do you selected, you can set you owned as shown. My problems is wifi hotspot always turned off even with my owned profile. Wifi works for me without problem.

Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk
hello, my problem is the lock screen of wi fi, I do not get anything when someone writes me

Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk
Nice update as always.
When will be the mocha version rooted? If not, how can I root it safely?
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