- 18 Jun 2019
- 27
- 15
Hello good evening, I have a problem with my Xiaomi MI10T using the EU Stable with Android 11.
For a while now, it disconnects from the 5GHz Wifi, and when I want to reconnect, it won't let me, I get a "Trying" message and then nothing happens. In the end, the WIFI option remains open, but it no longer even tries with another network, but stops searching for Wi-Fi networks and remains in 4G data.
I have captured a logcat to see if there is anything that might be useful.
I tried with many AP's, from differents brands, and the same result. The only way to fix it , is rebooting the phone.
12-13 21:04:08.040 1399 1399 W wificond: Scan is not started. Ignore abort request
12-13 21:04:08.040 1794 2467 D SupplicantStaIfaceHal: connectToNetwork "GUEST_PLUS_1E10"WPA_PSK isAscii=true
12-13 21:04:08.040 1794 2467 D SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Network is already saved, will not trigger remove and add operation.
12-13 21:04:08.041 32296 32296 E wpa_supplicant: eap_proxy: eap_proxy_notify_config
12-13 21:04:08.041 32296 32296 I wpa_supplicant: MBO: Disable MBO/OCE due to misbehaving AP not having enabled PMF
12-13 21:04:08.041 32296 32296 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Trying to associate with SSID 'GUEST_PLUS_1E10'
12-13 21:04:08.042 32296 32296 E wpa_supplicant: eap_proxy: eap_proxy_notify_config
12-13 21:04:08.042 32296 32296 E wpa_supplicant: eap_proxy: eap_proxy_allowed_method
12-13 21:04:08.042 2715 2878 D NetworkController: onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x24000010 (has extras) }
12-13 21:04:08.042 1794 1794 D ClientSlaveModeImpl: Master is not connected, disable mWifiConnectivityManager of slave
12-13 21:04:08.043 1794 2465 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: mWifiStateReceiver onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
12-13 21:04:08.043 1794 2465 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: wasConnected = false mWifiConnected = false mNetworkPriorityMode =255
12-13 21:04:08.043 2573 2573 D BluetoothAdapterService: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
12-13 21:04:08.043 4620 6168 D OsAgent : [wifi_supplicant_status_update][3133] [HC] =>> [HS]
12-13 21:04:08.043 903 903 V LocSvc_HIDL_IzatSubscription: [wifiSupplicantStatusUpdate][675] [HS] <<<<= [HC]
For a while now, it disconnects from the 5GHz Wifi, and when I want to reconnect, it won't let me, I get a "Trying" message and then nothing happens. In the end, the WIFI option remains open, but it no longer even tries with another network, but stops searching for Wi-Fi networks and remains in 4G data.
I have captured a logcat to see if there is anything that might be useful.
I tried with many AP's, from differents brands, and the same result. The only way to fix it , is rebooting the phone.
12-13 21:04:08.040 1399 1399 W wificond: Scan is not started. Ignore abort request
12-13 21:04:08.040 1794 2467 D SupplicantStaIfaceHal: connectToNetwork "GUEST_PLUS_1E10"WPA_PSK isAscii=true
12-13 21:04:08.040 1794 2467 D SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Network is already saved, will not trigger remove and add operation.
12-13 21:04:08.041 32296 32296 E wpa_supplicant: eap_proxy: eap_proxy_notify_config
12-13 21:04:08.041 32296 32296 I wpa_supplicant: MBO: Disable MBO/OCE due to misbehaving AP not having enabled PMF
12-13 21:04:08.041 32296 32296 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Trying to associate with SSID 'GUEST_PLUS_1E10'
12-13 21:04:08.042 32296 32296 E wpa_supplicant: eap_proxy: eap_proxy_notify_config
12-13 21:04:08.042 32296 32296 E wpa_supplicant: eap_proxy: eap_proxy_allowed_method
12-13 21:04:08.042 2715 2878 D NetworkController: onReceive: intent=Intent { act=android.net.wifi.supplicant.STATE_CHANGE flg=0x24000010 (has extras) }
12-13 21:04:08.042 1794 1794 D ClientSlaveModeImpl: Master is not connected, disable mWifiConnectivityManager of slave
12-13 21:04:08.043 1794 2465 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: mWifiStateReceiver onReceive: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
12-13 21:04:08.043 1794 2465 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: wasConnected = false mWifiConnected = false mNetworkPriorityMode =255
12-13 21:04:08.043 2573 2573 D BluetoothAdapterService: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
12-13 21:04:08.043 4620 6168 D OsAgent : [wifi_supplicant_status_update][3133] [HC] =>> [HS]
12-13 21:04:08.043 903 903 V LocSvc_HIDL_IzatSubscription: [wifiSupplicantStatusUpdate][675] [HS] <<<<= [HC]