How to install ROM for devices A/B


XM12 Tester
22 Apr 2021
Installation instructions

Install drivers, ADB and fastboot

install Xiaomi drivers

1- First, update the ROM to the latest using the updater.
2-Unlock the bootloader

3 -Download the ROM :

Stable HyperOS 1.0 -
Stable HyperOS 2.0 -

select the installation method
Installing fastboot method.
To use Windows:
- Unpack downloaded zip file in the PC (we recommend to use WinRAR)
- Reboot your device to fastboot mode (press volume down + power)
- Connect to PC via USB cable
- Run the quick launch installation script as an administrator from the unzipped zipper. windows_fastboot_first_install_with_data_format.bat

- wait for the phone to restart the system
- After reboot its done (first boot may take up to 15min)
- if flashing process stuck on setting slot a, just press Enter

Installing recovery method (TWRP). (Allows OTA updates)
4 - Insert the downloaded ROM (zip.) into the phone's storage
5 - -Connect your phone to your computer in fastboot mode
- download the TWRP toolkit
- Unzip the downloaded toolkit.
- download TWRP
- insert the TWRP renamed twrp.img in the toolkit folder,
- Install TWRP using the script according to your device type.
Bez názvu.png


To change TWRP language to English,
Bez názvu.png

7- Enter the "password / PIN / pattern" of the screen lock on request

8 -Install ROM

card / Install

find the required ROM in the repository

start the installation - swipe to confirm Flash

when the installation is complete, select the home navigation key

- Format Data
card / wipe

Format Data

Confirm the format by entering - YES

restarts the system after formatting is complete


wait for the system to start, the first boot may take longer.

After installing the ROM, TWRP remains

Install/update XiaomiEUModule app: GPay Module download:
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Because data is Not System which holds the operating system.. Data is just all user related stuff, regards.

Sent from my Mi 11 Ultra.
I didn't know this,I thought this should have been done before flashing the rom as I thought that format data would delete everything from the phone.

So when you move from official ROM (let's say global) to the Xiaomi EU you don't need to wipe system?
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I didn't know this,I thought this should have been done before flashing the rom as I thought that format data would delete everything from the phone.

So when you move from official ROM (let's say global) to the Xiaomi EU you don't need to wipe system?

there are differences between wipe and format. if you install the first time you have to format within twrp same procedure if you switch between stable and weekly for encryption. that means all your userdata will be gone. so make a backup of your pictures and so on.
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I didn't know this,I thought this should have been done before flashing the rom as I thought that format data would delete everything from the phone.

So when you move from official ROM (let's say global) to the Xiaomi EU you don't need to wipe system?
You never need to wipe system...
Exactly, you also do like O always did, formatting first then reboot, copy the ROM through the PC and flash. Here is the opposite, flash the ROM then format and reboot. If it safe it's for sure easier method
The first installation of ROM on new models, where there are dynamic partitions and semi-functional TWRP, it is necessary to follow a new procedure.
You cannot use the old procedure.
The first installation of ROM on new models, where there are dynamic partitions and semi-functional TWRP, it is necessary to follow a new procedure.
You cannot use the old procedure.
Then why did this work for us? Maybe it's not as necessary you think. I booted to TWRP, formated, rebooted to fastbott and rebooted TWRP, flashed the rom which installed, permanent version of TWRP.
You did the same, but much more complicated. With the risk that you will not insert the downloaded ROM into the phone after formatting the data.

No one forces you to use this simple, proven and functional guide. Do it the way you want.
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Hi, can you help me out here?

I have the Mi 11 Ultra (Global/EU version) but I see more roms: what is the difference between the fastboot and non-fastboot version??

Ie: from Aug 10, 2021 | 06:47PM

and from Apr 30, 2021 | 06:15AM

What is the difference?

After instruction im stuc on fastboot mode with mi 11 lite 5g.twrp touch not responding,always something wrong...
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First verify that that your bootloader is till unlocked using the MiUnlock tool. Once you have verified that bootloader is unlocked or re-unlock the bootloader, if the bootloader became locked. Then install an older fastboot rom. Make sure you choose the proper one, as there is also one without 5G. Download this one on your PC.
Follow the instructions for installing a fastboot rom. Use the <scroll down to> OLD FASTBOOT GUIDE: Follow those instructions closely! Then after successful bootup, you need to install TWRP. Follow these instructions: Once TWRP is installed download and install the latest rom. By the way, I have linked the weekly rom for you. If you would rather download the stable rom, the process is still the same. Just use stable rom instead.

Jimnasium you are awesome bro,my phone alive again.mi flash didnt help,but this old method is ok,thank a lot,all the best for you​

You are entirely welcome. That is why you should never pay a service if you have a fastboot bootloop. That doesn't mean that your phone is bricked or anything like that. It merely is bootlooping due to a corrupted file during the bootup process. You can also boot into TWRP using the command <fastboot boot twrp.img> format your storage and rebooting to fastboot mode and rebooting TWRP using the above command and copying a rom from your PC to the storage on your device and flashing it. All these bootloops generally mean is that your storage needs to be wiped and the scrpt in the older fastboot roms from do exactly that.
Hi all..
So I've just got a China rom Mi11 ultra.. And have tried a fast boot version after reading here I wish I read here first..

It is definitely unlocked.. That all went through fine.
Tried the EU rom fastboot, But that got stuck and didn't do anything for 2 hours.

I now have a dead phone.. Which is stuck on fastboot... With no rom on it.

So I'm a bit screwed I was advised to try and put a different rom on so tried the global one but that also had an error..

So I'm not sure what to do..


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