Unfortunately, I had to do a clean format and reinstallation of xiaomi.eu_GARNET_OS1.0.14.0.UNRCNXM_c713bc8cad_14.zip.
When I click "restore" (on the built-in backup/restore MIUI settings) while "SMS, contactns and call history" is selected, it does nothing. If I unselect it, then the rest ("Other system app data" and "Third party apps and app data") can be restored (when I click "Restore", they are restored).
Also, If I want to backup, then "SMS, contacts, and call history" is greyed out.
What is the cause of that? Before I had to clean reinstall, the auto-backup feature did in fact capture SMS, contacts and call history, so it baffles me. I have those MIUI backup files (last backuped last saturday). How can i restore them?