New i9100 3.5.10 - Laggy & slow...


14 May 2013
Made a clean installation of 3.5.10 (i.e. after wipe).

The ROM isn't quite responsive, often has lags.
During installation of apps from Google Play, the phone slows down and becomes drastically non responsive for about 2 to 3 minutes (!).

Please fix...

Thanks & great work!
That's a night & day difference!
Thanks a lot :)

How about having this kernel in place by default?
That's a night & day difference!
Thanks a lot :)

How about having this kernel in place by default?
Install newest dorimanx kernel, it is even better than Syiah 6.0b5. Also hardware button lights go off ;-) With this the rom is almost perfect ;-)
Install newest dorimanx kernel, it is even better than Syiah 6.0b5. Also hardware button lights go off ;-) With this the rom is almost perfect ;-)

What about the battery in this Kernel dorimanx? The battery draining in Siyah 6.0b5 is too high!!!!
What about the battery in this Kernel dorimanx? The battery draining in Siyah 6.0b5 is too high!!!!
I've installed it only yestarday but from that I can only say that deep sleep is definitlly better. I didn't use the phone overnight and I had 99% deep sleep - perfect. Also dorimanx use 100Mhz cpu stepping so it can better handle demand for cpu power. Also it is updated far more often than Syiah because seems that Syiah development stopped sometime in february or so....
No, you have to install it manually. Default kernel is Syiah 6.0b4 or b5 (I'm not sure for 3.5.17)
Hi. I tried installing dorimanx .16 and .20 but cannot boot successfully. During boot, I am welcomed with a photo of the grim reaper with a message "DO NOT EVER INSTALL 9.x KERNEL ON STOCK JB/ICS". I'm using MIUI SGS2 v5 3.5.17. Is there something wrong with my setup?
9.x version is not for stock based roms! You need to install 8.x version for sammy roms.
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Did u check out 3.5.17 with the stock kernel (siyah) that it comes with... ??? Is that also underperforming on the fone... ????
Did u check out 3.5.17 with the stock kernel (siyah) that it comes with... ??? Is that also underperforming on the fone... ????
I did not check 3.5.17 with supplied kernel, but if there is b4 it will definitely lag...