- 6 Nov 2010
- 5,212
- 1,000,000
Download here: http://dphase.net/miui/N1/miui-0.11.19_N1-EN_PACK3c.zip
Changed in 3c:
<string name="callrecordview_menu_delete_one">Clear Call History</string> is now <string name="callrecordview_menu_delete_one">Clear from Call History</string>
Other minor changes to text in the Phone and contacts UI
Settings > Common > Sounds > (Changed the SMS title to Notifications finally!)
In Settings > System > Battery > Battery use, Battery usage stats button label fix, one of the states for it was showing 1%%s unplugged on button text fixed (Thanks to Mish for reporting it), this is now Unplugged Usage, also changed Usage totals to Total Usage
Changed in 3b:
Made a mistake with a drawable in the framework-res.apk (I blame lack of sleep!) this pack fixes the issue.
Changed in 3:
Completely changed the framework-res.apk to fix the Landscape notification pull down error in the graphic, here's a picture of it fixed:
Changed in 2h:
Chinese character for Said: 说 removed in Mms.apk, thanks for the spot on that bcnice20!
Changed in 2g:
Minor themes preview fix on Mms themes when the cartoon theme is selected.
Changed in 2f:
Updater.apk was not pushing the cartoon.zip due to a size restriction spotted by n_i_x, thanks dude
Mms.apk theme previews are now fully english
Fixed Chinese send buttons for Mms themes
Changed in 2e:
Multiple fixes for Theme text in Settings.apk
Themes found by default in Updater.apk changed to English (if you still get chinese you may need to delete the cartoon.zip and rounded_icons.zip from your /mnt/sdcard/ location)
Fixed Send SMS button on Cartoon Mob theme.
Added folder_widger.png for Cartoon Mod theme in English (Thanks for pointing that out n_i_x)
MIUI MUSIC - Changed My Playlists to Favorites and Now Playing is now Playing so it fits the UI properly
Changed in 2d:
Fixed FC when choosing: Settings > Personal > Custom Themes > More Themes
Added FileExplorer.apk which fixes the above issue! (English fully translated)
Added some language tweaks to Updater.apk (Thanks for the suggestions sampson!)
Update Script changed to not remove required apk's e.g. FileExplorer.apk and Updater.apk
Changed in 2b:
Fixes Mms.apk FORCE CLOSE issue
Changed in 2c:
Removed some chinese in Settings.apk
Download here: http://dphase.net/miui/N1/miui-0.11.19_N1-EN_PACK3c.zip
Changed in 3c:
<string name="callrecordview_menu_delete_one">Clear Call History</string> is now <string name="callrecordview_menu_delete_one">Clear from Call History</string>
Other minor changes to text in the Phone and contacts UI
Settings > Common > Sounds > (Changed the SMS title to Notifications finally!)
In Settings > System > Battery > Battery use, Battery usage stats button label fix, one of the states for it was showing 1%%s unplugged on button text fixed (Thanks to Mish for reporting it), this is now Unplugged Usage, also changed Usage totals to Total Usage
Changed in 3b:
Made a mistake with a drawable in the framework-res.apk (I blame lack of sleep!) this pack fixes the issue.
Changed in 3:
Completely changed the framework-res.apk to fix the Landscape notification pull down error in the graphic, here's a picture of it fixed:

Changed in 2h:
Chinese character for Said: 说 removed in Mms.apk, thanks for the spot on that bcnice20!
Changed in 2g:
Minor themes preview fix on Mms themes when the cartoon theme is selected.
Changed in 2f:
Updater.apk was not pushing the cartoon.zip due to a size restriction spotted by n_i_x, thanks dude
Mms.apk theme previews are now fully english
Fixed Chinese send buttons for Mms themes
Changed in 2e:
Multiple fixes for Theme text in Settings.apk
Themes found by default in Updater.apk changed to English (if you still get chinese you may need to delete the cartoon.zip and rounded_icons.zip from your /mnt/sdcard/ location)
Fixed Send SMS button on Cartoon Mob theme.
Added folder_widger.png for Cartoon Mod theme in English (Thanks for pointing that out n_i_x)
MIUI MUSIC - Changed My Playlists to Favorites and Now Playing is now Playing so it fits the UI properly
Changed in 2d:
Fixed FC when choosing: Settings > Personal > Custom Themes > More Themes
Added FileExplorer.apk which fixes the above issue! (English fully translated)
Added some language tweaks to Updater.apk (Thanks for the suggestions sampson!)
Update Script changed to not remove required apk's e.g. FileExplorer.apk and Updater.apk
Changed in 2b:
Fixes Mms.apk FORCE CLOSE issue
Changed in 2c:
Removed some chinese in Settings.apk