[ROM][1.8.5] Samsung Epic 4G [Official Thread][We're Back!]

Alright, I know I took care of the essentials (boot.img, build.prop, updater-script) So I just need to work on the other stuff. Thanks for flashing!
Found this:

Make sure you edit the updater-script with only a true unix compatiable editor like notepad or notepad++ NOT wordpad or alike as it make it unreadable by android and produce an error 6.

I think I ORIGINALLY used Wordpad to edit it :\ But! I got notepad++ (which i must say - AMAZING) and then edited it AFTERWARDS. So, let me get the first script I used, and edit it again. Sorry for the delay!
I just took the one from the first build I put up, so, hopefully, that'll work. v4-1'll be up once it's done uploading.
Sorry for the wait. I tried to boot it on both file systems. I got stuck at the samsung boot screen on both. They did flash successful tho
what CWM are you using? i used the version and it flashed successfully but when it boots up my custom boot ani is there and it goes to my old rom (somewhat)..most apps are deleted but not everything...
wiped data/factory reset x3, wiped cache x3 and dalvik x3...tryed it on rfs but its been at the boot screen for about 2 minutes..ill give it a little bit longer.
I didn't format sd card. But did wipe x3. I tried on rfs/cwm2 in I was stock on samsung screen wouldn't boot past that. Then odin backed to stock. Went to cwm3 and flashed ex4, n got the same result. I didn't format sd. tho
I'm still looking into the problem. Another update will be out soon, I think \system\framework was off, so I replaced that, except framework-res.apk.
midnightrom 5.2, yep ext4... this would be awesome to have functional, even to the point of cm7 for epic, which i used for a couple weeks but then needed gps for a road trip
Well i was on bonsai so it may be something with these 2 roms since midnight uses bonsai base...
v4-2 is up, I replaced the \system\framework this time, everything else is the same. The script shouldn't convert your current file system, that may be the problem to begin with. But it flashing correctly is a start. Are there any Gingerbread rooms for the Epic yet? I'll check those out and see if there are any differences.