[rom] Cm12.1 For Aries By M1cha

Great work! thank you, but I have the same bug with the smart bluetooth if I switch off the bluettoth it doesn`t detect my smart bluetooth and the bluetooth doesn´t start again until I reboot the device.
It is incredible your work with this device

First of all, thank you M1cha for your wonderfull work!. Repartioned my device en installed CM12.1 without a hassle!

I'm facing some sort of battery drain. I charged my phone last night, but during the night it lost 24% while in airplane mode. Wakelock detector doesn't show anything weird. Do my battery stats still need to calibrate or is the problem something else?

One very minor issue I'm facing is that the screen wakes up about 0.5 seconds after I press the power button. It used to be immediately.

Anyone else facing these issues and knows a solution?



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First of all, thank you M1cha for your wonderfull work!. Repartioned my device en installed CM12.1 without a hassle!

I'm facing some sort of battery drain. I charged my phone last night, but during the night it lost 24% while in airplane mode. Wakelock detector doesn't show anything weird. Do my battery stats still need to calibrate or is the problem something else?

One very minor issue I'm facing is that the screen wakes up about 0.5 seconds after I press the power button. It used to be immediately.

Anyone else facing these issues and knows a solution?

About the battery i have the same issue, but it's for cm o something like that, it can't be fixed, for now.

But i love this ROM and thanks M1cha for doing it!
About the battery i have the same issue, but it's for cm o something like that, it can't be fixed, for now.

But i love this ROM and thanks M1cha for doing it!
With Ivans's CM12.1 no problems (Tested with two different Mi2S)
If someone is interested in (kinda) fixing the led notification light, I uploaded a file from SudaMod rom that can bring back it's function, but it's quite dim and I'm not sure how to make it brighter..
Just unzip it and place it in /system/lib/hw with the right permission rw-r--r--


  • lights.msm8960.so.zip
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I really like CM So tell me how to solve this problem and I really want solutions I love you thank you thank you
Long time nothing changed with the builds so I decided to refresh the ROM and share it with community.
I called it: Last hope ;)

I left only two locales: PL and EN, so if this fits to you, just download and try.
I'm using merged partition layout and didn't tested or checked unmerged version.

I'm pretty happy with the build and looks that will have great battery time.
I've added MIUICamera by M1cha to ROM.

I'm not responsible for bricked devices and anything that happens after loading this ROM on your phone.
Use it on your own risk!

Download link: cm-12.1-20150927-EXPERIMENTAL-BuGi-aries.zip

Please let me know what you think!
If this build will have more interested people I'll consider regular updates ;)
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Does the camera work? Cause in some other builds after some time stops working.
P.S. You can call it LHCM...like large hadron CM :D
haha. Hope it will earn for that name ;)

I have Mi2s 32GB and I didn't have any issues with the camera, but It's still based on old Xiaomi blobs so It's possible that problem still exists :( Definitly you should try and let me know.

One more thing. Always remember to make a backup before flashing new rom!
haha. Hope it will earn for that name ;)
I hope too cause till now there is no "kitkat stable" lollipop.Right now i'm using CM12.1 by eleven, camera fails after some random time, battery drains faster even in flight mode.But it's faster than kitkat so definitely gonna try, already downloading.
Question: since i mainly use kitkat and i don't wanna change partition layout all the time, can you make a patch for unmerged layout?Or can i use a different patch, like form the current rom CM12.1 by eleven, by replacing boot.img?
I hope too cause till now there is no "kitkat stable" lollipop.Right now i'm using CM12.1 by eleven, camera fails after some random time, battery drains faster even in flight mode.But it's faster than kitkat so definitely gonna try, already downloading.
Question: since i mainly use kitkat and i don't wanna change partition layout all the time, can you make a patch for unmerged layout?Or can i use a different patch, like form the current rom CM12.1 by eleven, by replacing boot.img?

About camera. If you have any logs from logcat or sth please share. I'll try to look on it.

Sorry, I haven't seen eleven's ROM and patch so don't know if it gonna work.

When I started making this build I've been on unmerged partition but I have some problems like everything written on smaller ~3GB partition and I think Camera didn't want to start. So for now I don't have plans to work on unmerged layout. Hope you understand.
About camera. If you have any logs from logcat or sth please share. I'll try to look on it.

Sorry, I haven't seen eleven's ROM and patch so don't know if it gonna work.

When I started making this build I've been on unmerged partition but I have some problems like everything written on smaller ~3GB partition and I think Camera didn't want to start. So for now I don't have plans to work on unmerged layout. Hope you understand.
Hello first thank you for the great job it would be best ROM but no Chinese language I am Chinese so I want to give you feedback Thanks for your great work

来自我的 MI 2S 上的 Tapatalk
Hello first thank you for the great job it would be best ROM but no Chinese language I am Chinese so I want to give you feedback Thanks for your great work

来自我的 MI 2S 上的 Tapatalk
With the next update I'll add your locale ;)

Now, I'm working on making bluetooth more stable and there is a progress ...
First, for those who are impatient whit ROMs, u don't pay m1cha for making ROMs, if you want regular updates or something official there's plenty of devs willing to make official cm roms for a little amount of money.
Second, if you see m1cha's github recent activity tab there's pushes of kernel ONLY 17 HOURS AGO (new kernel btw).
There's not first hope or last hope, there are two, only two devs that have worked or are working on making a kernel on mi2, M1cha and ivan, no one else, simply as that.
Whit all respects to those who are so impatient, u shouldn't have buy this phone, u need some nexus or motorola ASAP, this phone, this brand is not for you.
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First, for those who are impatient whit ROMs, u don't pay m1cha for making ROMs, if you want regular updates or something official there's plenty of devs willing to make official cm roms for a little amount of money.
Second, if you see m1cha's github recent activity tab there's pushes of kernel ONLY 17 HOURS AGO (new kernel btw).
There's not first hope or last hope, there are two, only two devs that have worked or are working on making a kernel on mi2, M1cha and ivan, no one else, simply as that.
Whit all respects to those who are so impatient, u shouldn't have buy this phone, u need some nexus or motorola ASAP, this phone, this brand is not four you.

The biggest issue is why are you in need of a new rom and can't you wait till it is final not the brand. You will find impatient people in Samsung, htc, ... forums too. If you use Miui or some "final" roms there is no big problems. I use AOSP 5.1 from Ivan since january without a problem.

Second thing is, are you certain that this phone is really what you need to do what you need to do apart that it is cheap.
People having their screens on for 5-6-7 hours a day and complaining about the battery life, go buy a tablet because apparently you need something with a bigger screen to be on it that much time and a bigger battery and so on for most of the problems you found on this forum.

Third thing is the quantity, people want quantity over quality because they want to choose between s**t, s**t, s**t and s**t instead of having to choose between good and good. I don't really see a difference between all those modded roms but apparently it makes a ******* big difference for some people to have pie and notification and not notification and pie.

Humans are dumb and impatient by nature and I know it because I'm one of them.
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First, for those who are impatient whit ROMs, u don't pay m1cha for making ROMs, if you want regular updates or something official there's plenty of devs willing to make official cm roms for a little amount of money.
Second, if you see m1cha's github recent activity tab there's pushes of kernel ONLY 17 HOURS AGO (new kernel btw).
There's not first hope or last hope, there are two, only two devs that have worked or are working on making a kernel on mi2, M1cha and ivan, no one else, simply as that.
Whit all respects to those who are so impatient, u shouldn't have buy this phone, u need some nexus or motorola ASAP, this phone, this brand is not for you.

This is last hope, for me, for example. I really like that phone because of the screen and specs. I don't understand why I should buy 5.5' or 6' and put it in my pocket to do what Mi2 can do. I just need an updated OS (MIUI has some annoying bugs long time not solved).

Ivan did lot for us pushing source, M1cha making all the necessary changes to make it work even better, but few big security issues was discovered and exposed in the Internet and ROM still wasn't updated. That's why others try to help (FOR FREE) and share an updated ROM. Not everyone can build the ROM from sources (not all changes were released).

That's crazy, you get something for free and telling that bullshit.
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This is last hope, for me, for example. I really like that phone because of the screen and specs. I don't understand why I should buy 5.5' or 6' and put it in my pocket to do what Mi2 can do. I just need an updated OS (MIUI has some annoying bugs long time not solved).

Ivan did lot for us pushing source, M1cha making all the necessary changes to make it work even better, but few big security issues was discovered and exposed in the Internet and ROM still wasn't updated. That's why others try to help (FOR FREE) and share an updated ROM. Not everyone can build the ROM from sources (not all changes were released).

That's crazy, you get something for free and telling that bullshit.

You mean Stagefright? with a simple untick in sms settings you are protected.
MIUI / CM based bugs are kernel bugs no kernel dev no ROM related ( mostly)

I dont blame any rom cookers or any devs for doing anything, AOSP is free as in freedom. They can make any rom they like with the features locales or whatever they want, i blame the users.
Second, if you see m1cha's github recent activity tab there's pushes of kernel ONLY 17 HOURS AGO (new kernel btw).
Great find ;) I first tried 3.18 but that seems to be incomplete(usb doesn't fully work and there are a few instabilities). Now I'm back to 3.10 and the porting progress is fine so far.(full arch code except secure irqs, and PMU - pmic(battery,charging etc), and usb are working already). display's next :)