[rom][cm12.1] Last Hope Rom - Best Rom Ever? ;)

Thank you so much bugers!
Btw Wifi not activating properly in last build. I attach logs


  • dmesg.txt
    102 KB · Views: 506
  • logcat.txt
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I used that trick [writing into data/data/hosts] with micha's CM12.1, because of the small system partition size.
but on your builds [lighted removing some stuff into /system] I guess it isn't

Moving the hosts file into /data/data has no effect. Even symlinking /system/etc/hosts to /data/data/hosts does not work.

What do you mean by checking root permissions for an app?

In RC1 the hosts file could simply be dropped under /system/etc, but in RC2 it does not work anymore. So my guess is that it has to do with SELinux policies.
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MK44.4 was also my absolutely favourite, but you can be sure that you wont go back again if you've tried a good working LP Rom. And indeed bugers last release seems to be the best so far.

I recommend you to do it like this:
  1. Make a Backup of your Apps with TitaniumBackup or a similar App and save all the files including your pictures etc. on your computer.
  2. Download and install MiFlashTool from >HERE< and M1chas "unified_single"-package from >THIS THREAD<
  3. Turn off your phone and restart it in fastboot mode (by pressing the power and the volume down button at the same time for several seconds)
  4. Connect your phone with your computer and refresh the flashtool app until your phone is shown
  5. Unpack the "aries_core_unified_single.zip" and start setting up the flashtool by clicking the down-arrow beside the browse button in the flashtool for selecting "advanced-mode"
  6. For the fast boot script choose the "flash_core.bat" in the main folder be sure that its NOT the "flash_partition_table_and_core.bat" when you run it the first time. Ignore the section "nvbootscript" in the menu and set up all the other files located in the "images folder" (when you click the browse button of the particular field there should be only one possible file to choose in the image folder).
  7. Flash it by clicking refresh and flash. Let your phone restart, shut it off again and turn on fastboot mode another time.
  8. Run the flash tool another time with the "flash_partition_table_and_core.bat".
  9. boot into recovery(which is TWRP now), recreate the filesystems for all partitions(system,data,cache,sdcard to ext4) in the wipe menu (go to the wipe menu, advanced wipe, select one of the mentioned partitions and select repair or change file system -> ext4, repeat it with all the mentioned partitions) After that reinstall your ROM -> bugers last hope rom.
  10. Finished.
I wrote it from memory so if you have any problems dont hesitate to ask maybe i've wrote something a bit vague. ;)
From KK to LP Titanium Backup cannot restore settings... Sorry

Στάλθηκε από το MI 2S μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
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Some words to the people suffering from wifi issues. I also had that, to the point wifi was totally unusable. I did a complete wipe, nstalled the Last Hope Rom 24/12 again, but clean. And then I did a titanium restore of all my apps. And see, I have a v stable Rom, wifi is working fine, so is the camera. The phone is now v cool to the touch, same apps, v nice long battery life.
It seems an dirty upgrade from a M1cha CM12.1 Rom is clearly not advisable.
I do feel the speed (overall and screen update) is a bit lower, so I think Bugers made a battery/performance tradeoff by playing with the cpu governor and/or max frequencies.

Also I have now issues with Xposed. It says it's installed and active but the modules tell me Xposed is inactive. Maybe due to the SElinux enforcing? Anyway, @bugers, thanks for keeping this puppy alive and up to date, also in the future. Let's hope your phone stays in good condition, physically, so you can still find joy in developing/cooking Roms for it.
Some words to the people suffering from wifi issues. I also had that, to the point wifi was totally unusable. I did a complete wipe, nstalled the Last Hope Rom 24/12 again, but clean. And then I did a titanium restore of all my apps. And see, I have a v stable Rom, wifi is working fine, so is the camera. The phone is now v cool to the touch, same apps, v nice long battery life.
It seems an dirty upgrade from a M1cha CM12.1 Rom is clearly not advisable.
I do feel the speed (overall and screen update) is a bit lower, so I think Bugers made a battery/performance tradeoff by playing with the cpu governor and/or max frequencies.

Also I have now issues with Xposed. It says it's installed and active but the modules tell me Xposed is inactive. Maybe due to the SElinux enforcing? Anyway, @bugers, thanks for keeping this puppy alive and up to date, also in the future. Let's hope your phone stays in good condition, physically, so you can still find joy in developing/cooking Roms for it.
which flashable .zip of xposed framework did you use?
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Off-topic :Well seems I missed lot of things.... Any way Happy New Year all.
Back to topic
I am still on RC 1and thanks for efforts put by @buger. Yes some bugs are there but sometime they appear and sometime they won't, specially video playback bug on YouTube and facebook video... Apart from that everything is super
Moving the hosts file into /data/data has no effect. Even symlinking /system/etc/hosts to /data/data/hosts does not work.

What do you mean by checking root permissions for an app?

In RC1 the hosts file could simply be dropped under /system/etc, but in RC2 it does not work anymore. So my guess is that it has to do with SELinux policies.

Ok, I thought that you are using some app to do that. You need tell us more what you are doing. If you simply copy your hosts file to /system/etc just be sure that you have root privileges. Without that you can't update this file.
New version available - 2016.01.09
Supports only new partition layout.
Supports all languages
New updated completely kernel
....and many many other changes.

Some of you asked about this - donation link has been added too.
Good update Thank you very much
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Thank you so much bugers! I'll test it right now
For new partition layout do you mean the Micha one with data/media, right? Or xiaomi changed again after November?
Bugers means official new partition layout by Xiaomi:

1. Merged data + internal storage (5.4.24)
2. Merged two systems (5.11.19)

Sent from my MI 2S using Tapatalk
what have we to do now coming from m1chas resized partitions, do i just have flash it over your 12/24 rom or is something else needed?
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what have we to do now coming from m1chas resized partitions, do i just have flash it over your 12/24 rom or is something else needed?

To get new official partition layout on Mi2/2S you have to flash once 5.11.20 (or any newer) fastboot china developer release via MiFlash tool with flash all script.

This install method will be merge Data+Internal Storage and Sstem1+Sytem2 in one step (regardless what partition layout have you had before). It will be wipe all data from your phone inducing internal storage as well.
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Will it format data/media (the "old" sdcard I mean) ?
Is the latest recovery still twrp 2870 ?
Anyone know a faster way to merge partitions without flashing miui?like a flashable zip or similar?