Stucked on "Mi" logo loop


24 Oct 2021
(Xiaomi Mi10T) Hello everybody, first of all, thanks for reading because I'm in serious trouble.
It's my first time using custom roms and I'm stucked on the "Mi" logo, It shows for 5 seconds and it restarts all the time. Mi, mi, mi, mi, ...
I've tried to unbrick it with XiaoMiTools V2 two times but nothing happened.
I'm able to open fastboot and recovery.

This happened when flashing ROM, I could install a TWRP but didn't work the ROM, then I installed another TWRP to see if that was the problem but I still couldn't boot the system.
When you flashed custom RoM, did you formated the /data partition?
Because if not, the phone remain in boot-loop almost all the time. The fix is to enter into TWRP, format data and then reinstall the custom rom, as it is specified on the first post where the firmware it is listed.
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