Xiaomi.eu Multilang Rom For Xiaomi Mi5 (unlocked Bl Only!) Released!

Hello friend.

I have a small question.

Today I nstalled MIUI8_6.0_Mi5_6.9.8_aroma_greatslon.12/09/2016 with base of xiaomi.eu 6.9.8



The ROM work fine, but I want disable extended reboot for native reboot. The problem is that the extended reboot is enable with this rom of some mod extended reboot of xmiui is enable when power off my mi5 no power on automatic.

I need replace the extended reboot for native reboot of miui 8 6.9.8 but, I don't know that archive replace or erase.

Thanks in advance.

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Can somebody help me please?

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Our tools and translations were rebuilt for MIUI 8 roms only.. There is no way to go back just for one version.. Use latest Xiaomi.eu MIUI 7 if you want..

~Tapatalk Mi5~
I'm one of those still staying with Miui 7 too. But if it's impossible for you to use the previous version of your tool, it's OK, I will stay with the last However, what worries me is that this version fails the QuadRooter test. Do you think you can release a patch for us Miui 7 users? Thanks in advance.
Hi, guys first I want to thanks to the help, today installed my first EU rom successfully.

Second I want to continue with the stupid questions :) . I Installed the rom through booted TWRP(not flashed) and still have my original recovery. This will have an influence to Manual OTA Update?
At meaning the OTA updates using or not TWRP, I hope understand my question !!!
And second the weekly updates are only through full rom, right ?
Could you please fix the slow download speed with MIUI8? It was fine with and after updating to, it is limited to 300 KB/s. Thanks!
Hi everyone, new owner of mi5 here. I requested to unlock the bootloader and I've just received the message that I can procede. I have just a question: after flash TWRP and Boot can I just flash the last Miui 8 stable build or I must flash first "Stable for TWRP" that is in the first page and then Miui 8? Thank you so much.
Has someone installed Any changelog?

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Hi everyone, new owner of mi5 here. I requested to unlock the bootloader and I've just received the message that I can procede. I have just a question: after flash TWRP and Boot can I just flash the last Miui 8 stable build or I must flash first "Stable for TWRP" that is in the first page and then Miui 8? Thank you so much.
You can directly flash Miui 8, but remember to clean data, cache and dalvik.
I had many wakelocks from Play Services 2 days ago on, but it seems to be OK again. Maybe Play Services are (again) acting weird these days.
I had many wakelocks from Play Services 2 days ago on, but it seems to be OK again. Maybe Play Services are (again) acting weird these days.
Confirmed. It just finished last night. It seems to do that periodically, no idea what it's doing.
Where is the link for 6.10.13 eu version?

I don't see nothing. Is rare..

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Where is the link for 6.10.13 eu version?

I don't see nothing. Is rare..

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Links are up. There is the MIUI 8.1 Version. I see that most of the bugs are now solved. I am so happy !
Anyone gets low sound record with the new rom 6.10.13 eu ?
On 3 versions ago (was MIUI I used before) the microfon was working fine.
I'm using last version of this rom. I lost my mi5 encryption formatting data; how can I re-encrypt it?

Using Setting --> Privacy --> device encryption, a green android with black screen is shown for some seconds and then the device reboots, without any difference.

Anyone can help me?