New Xiaomi Mi2S: Cell tower reception low / does not switch cell tower when deep sleep...


23 Oct 2013

had the following issue when driving around today.

The cell tower signal strength displayed in my cars onboard system showed the Xiaomi Mi2S only had one bar reception and it stayed like this for at least 3 minutes, not trying to find a better cell tower.

When I took the Mi2S and pressed the power button (waking it up) the signal strenght immediatly jumped to 5 bars strength??? So it seems the Mi2S is not (or not fast) scanning for better cell towers when in deep sleep?

Any possiblity to get this improved, do not want to miss calls because of this...

I have no actual test data to prove this, however my office is in a basement, and my device jumps in and out of signal all the time.

My gsm galaxy nexus, and my sgs2 do not have signal issues in the basement.

Maybe its because if the lack of 1700mhz bands in the mi2s? This band is present in my other two devices.

Sent from my Xiaomi MI2S

some more data for this bug...
I'm using the 2G only mode because I don't care that much about 3G and my data subscription is anyhow a poor 500MB...

As for the comment of the 1700MHz band, I'm 100% sure this has no relation to the behavior I'm seeing as pressing the power button (waking the device) immediatly gives me full reception again.

So it is all related to the way the Mi2S scans for better cell towers in sleep mode...