Mi4 Wcdma Google Chrome Crash


27 Feb 2017
Good day!
Xiaomi Mi4 WCDMA 16Gb
Firmware: Stable (MXDCNDL) by xiaomi.eu
I have this issue for a long time (more than half-year).
Google Chrome crashes periodically without any error or report. It just drops to desktop (as if I press home button) and I need to start it again and load the page.
More often this happens when the page is too heavy and have many scripts.
What I tried to do:
  1. Reinstall Google Chrome, Google Play
  2. Wipe Cache/Data/Dalvik
  3. Use google account by another user
  4. Flash to developer ROM's
None of this has helped.

This issue doesn't happen on previous Stable ROM - (MXDCNDI)
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I have the same on my Mi4, also with my Mi3.
I think we can report it somewhere, especially for bugs.
Xiaomi has a Feedback app, so i reported the FC of Google Chrome there. Just wait and see what happens. Hope it works. Otherwise install Google Chrome again or use another browser.
Thank you, Alex! I also reported to Chrome troubleshooting.
Tried to reinstall Chrome again many times before, but it doesn't help.
It is happening with my MI3 also. I'm still waiting the resolution

Sent from my MI 3W using Tapatalk
Seems that this issue doesn't happen on previous Stable ROM.
I just downgraded to (MXDCNDI) and Google Chrome is running very stable, even on large and heavy pages. It doesnt crash at all.
I will wait for a few days and give a feedback.
I will test it with todays dev update and will give a feedback here also.
Stay tuned guys and let us know if there's any news about this bug.
Same here. There is no problem on 8.1, but on 8.2 chrome closes without any error report. Also youtube is closing without any report.
I installed dev rom again, after reset and wipe, now it seems good after some days without crash.
I've tested the latest developer ROM 7.3.2 and Chrome crashed, when I used pinch to zoom on some page. Seems, this bug is missing only on stable
I had some crashes on Google Chrome app when I was on websites, the usual stuff. Like this site, news, info etc. But now, after reinstalling Google Chrome, there are no more crashes.
It start After a while.
I tried too and now downgraded to

I opened a case to MIUI a king time ago with logcat attached but It dont care about It
Reverted on Global Stable and blocked MIUI updates.
I sniffed TCP packages with wireshark and found that it check on "update.miui.com" site, so simple add an entry on /etc/hosts file (if you want to know ) and resolve the url on loopback update.miui.com

No boring updates notification.

I will check future changelog to check if it will be resolved on Mi4

p.s. it is already resolved on developer china rom of Mi5
p.s.2 if anyone want to debug, this is my previously bug report opened (with my wrong account, sorry) and logcat attached http://en.miui.com/thread-422305-1-1.html