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Site Founder
Staff member
6 Nov 2010
Status: Released


Notice: GApps are no longer included!
Below are links for ICS & JB. Please download for which version you have.
Jellybean 4.1.x : http://goo.im/gapps/gapps-jb-20121011-signed.zip
Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.x : http://goo.im/gapps/gapps-ics-20120429-signed.zip


I have observed these threads carefully for a number of weeks and I think I know how to post....

1> Are we gonna see the Nokia 3210 anytime soon...please...please!
2> Are YOU finally gonna fix the Flux Capacitating Infleximometer?
3> Will the Latin translation be released on time?
Recently I have problems with my battery indicator. It makes strange instant drops and it seems like it happens only when recharging through the USB (tried 2.0 and 3.0). I don't know if it's a software or a battery problem, really hope it's a software problem :X

My phone is: I9100
Info for all translators..

Multilang will be released tomorrow evening GMT....
Thanks again! Great way of posting the ROM's this time. Should ease the pain of identifying devices and ROM's for 'em (for some).
Recently I have problems with my battery indicator. It makes strange instant drops and it seems like it happens only when recharging through the USB (tried 2.0 and 3.0). I don't know if it's a software or a battery problem, really hope it's a software problem :X

My phone is: I9100
Why software? I'd hope it's the batttery - instant fix approx. 20€.
I have observed these threads carefully for a number of weeks and I think I know how to post....

1> Are we gonna see the Nokia 3210 anytime soon...please...please!
2> Are YOU finally gonna fix the Flux Capacitating Infleximometer?
3> Will the Latin translation be released on time?

Possibly the best post of 2012 :D

I'd like to add one to that:
4>I love Miui to death but...... (complaining about what not)
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