- 6 Nov 2010
- 5,212
- 1,000,000
Status: Done
Mirrors: http://goo.im/devs/ibotpeaches/miuiandroid/releases/2.9.29
Mirrors: http://goo.im/devs/ibotpeaches/miuiandroid/releases/2.9.29
- 2.9.28 was pulled 2 hours after release on Friday. All ROMs were gone until GMT 8:45. Some ROMs were at 2.9.29 while others still at 2.9.28. The MIUI Staff said that the bootloop bug was only present in some builds, but no one was on staff to fix it. So they pulled all ROMs until the next day. So if you download 2.9.28/2.9.29. Its the same ROM (those that needed to be fixed were, etc). Don't ask about it.
- HTC Desire HD will be released later today.
- Multi Language will be delayed till Sunday, since ROMs were released on Saturday
- MIUI Changelog 2.9.28 - http://miuiandroid.com/community/threads/miui-rom-2-9-28-changelog.18280/
- OTA updates can be obtained via Goo Manager / ROM Manager. Until we fix up Native OTA.
- Thanks to our Mirror Providers: Magentium IT Services, Link2Caro and Celogeek! without them we couldn't make file hosting this easy. We thank them all 100%