Hello, I have a serious problem in my Xiaomi MI5s Plus, every time I upload a ROM higher than NBGMIEI, on the phone Still NONE Network, does not detect my SIM card and range, did anyone have such a problem, knows how to solve it?
Please reply.
I've had the same problem, no signal and doesn't detect my sim card after updating. Have not been able to get any response or advice from
@ingbrzy or anybody else about the issue for weeks.

Here was my process:
Overall problem, no sim detected!
Device: Mi Note 2, using on t-mobile network.
I flashed the latest weekly a couple weeks back (7.12.21), coming from 7.8.31, should have been a simple update. I cleared cache and dalvik and it rebooted just fine but does not detect sim card slot 1, and when my sim card is moved to slot 2, phone gets shows bars but not calling or sms abilities, and no data. It also does not register under sim settings as having a sim card despite it having bars. And yes I left the phone alone and waited plenty of time to see if it would reach signal.
So I go back to recovery and this time wipe data, cache, and dalvik. And reboot phone only to find it says no IMEI found, and sim cards are still not being detected.
So I go back to recovery and restore EFS from my previous rom backup (version 7.8.31) and no effect, same as before.
So I go back to recovery and restore my FIRMWARE and EFS from my previous rom backup (version 7.8.31) and my IMEI is back but no sim cards detected
So I go back to recovery and restore complete rom backup version 7.8.31, and everything works fine again.
So I go back to recovery and install the newest stable rom, cleared cache and dalvik, and reboot, and I get process.acore has stopped errors repeatedly and sim cards are still not being detected.
So I go back to recovery and restore complete rom backup from version 7.8.31, and everything works fine again.
This has been the case with 7.12.21, 7.12.14, and 7.12.7, and I'm pretty certain without some advice it will be the case for 8.2.1 as well.
Please help I just want to keep up with your beautiful updates!