They are showing a new series of Red Rice that the recovery lost if you try to change it, and if it flashes with flashtool v1 semibrick with still a black screen.
So far have been detected in RR that come with v3 Rom loaded in Chinese / English and the logo Unicom (one W º in orange on white), but do not know if there are more.

Sorry for my english i have used google translator.
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But how can that be done if semibrick occured ?
(I don't have this situation but want to know just in case. Phone still has to arrive)
ROM boots fine.. Just reboot to recovery is not working...

glsf91: you should grab CWM v5 no touch by Sonik1svk. Nandroid backup is working perfectly
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I tried all the cwm on the net. Cwm gives me black screen then reboots to miui. I order my from ibuygou. It's me second hongmi the first one no problem. Only the last I got, getting problem
I tried all the cwm on the net. Cwm gives me black screen then reboots to miui. I order my from ibuygou. It's me second hongmi the first one no problem. Only the last I got, getting problem
its new revision.. needs new CWM...
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Have you guys tried using Framaroot or KingoRoot to root your phones? I haven't received my HongMi yet so I couldn't try, but it seems kinda redundant to "flash an older ROM version just to get root, then flash CWM and THEN flash the latest stable ROM then root it finally".
How can we see if the phone is an old or new revision ?

I haven't received my HongMi yet but even I understand how.........you just gotta read the posts made by others CAREFULLY. Here:

Look at the "Board" and "Revision" keyword in those screenshots. That's what you need to look out for in CPU-Z.

On a side note, it seems some people with older revisions can get CWM to work fully (i.e make nandroid backup) without a problem, whereas some people with the newer revisions could not. I guess the best CWM to use is the stock Chinese version from the Mobileuncle Tools app.

Since I'm Asian, that's not a problem for me. If anyone needs me to translate what the options on the Chinese CWM mean, post a screenshot here and I'll translate them for ya.
Lolol I have installed the normal CWM from this forum and it's working great. If someone want it just let me know and I put a download link
Lolol I have installed the normal CWM from this forum and it's working great. If someone want it just let me know and I put a download link

Could you share a link, which version you installed?

Tapatalked from a Xiaomi Hongmi
SOC revision and Board is the same. New revision hat no Density

New revision witch old CWM hat artefacts


Solution load Mobileuncle Tools , extract .zip and upload stock Chinessie CWM for WCDMA version

Mine (WCDMA HongMi) has exactly the same SOC revision and Board version, but mine shows the screen density as well. I'm also on the latest stable MIUI v5 so maybe it's slightly different.

Also, I'm using TWRP and it works great. Way better than CWM.
Hi im new in rooting and just got my new Xiaomi redmi here in Singapore. I received a step By step instructions for rooting, heres the link : http://www.xiaomireviews.com/root-your-xiaomi-hongmi-and-install-modified-roms/
-I did the rooting By vroot on my pc
-I install the mobile uncle.apk
-when doing the recovery update using "Cofface hongmi recovery v1.0.img" after step 6 at No. 2), I got an error message of E :Can't mount /emmc / and could not continue from there.
-some questions: what's the purpose of recovery v1.0.img update? and the zip file MIUIANDROID MULTILANGUAGE ROM?
-Hope someone could provide me some help on how can i continue my rooting.
-my phone is WCDMA.

Hi im new in rooting and just got my new Xiaomi redmi here in Singapore. I received a step By step instructions for rooting, heres the link : http://www.xiaomireviews.com/root-your-xiaomi-hongmi-and-install-modified-roms/
-I did the rooting By vroot on my pc
-I install the mobile uncle.apk
-when doing the recovery update using "Cofface hongmi recovery v1.0.img" after step 6 at No. 2), I got an error message of E :Can't mount /emmc / and could not continue from there.
-some questions: what's the purpose of recovery v1.0.img update? and the zip file MIUIANDROID MULTILANGUAGE ROM?
-Hope someone could provide me some help on how can i continue my rooting.
-my phone is WCDMA.

Do not try to install wcdma roms and recovery if yr phone is SG. U will brick it.

To get root use framaroot 1.9.1 app and twrp recovery SG version.