- 11 Jul 2016
- 59
- 30
I think no need to set active slot, because script in ROM file is doing this already after flashing ROM, look at the code in that BAT script:Im currently on EEA Global, do i need to change active slot as well before running the .bat ? Thanks.
@echo off
cd %~dp0
set DEVICE=unknown
for /f "tokens=2" %%D in ('platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* getvar product 2^>^&1 ^| findstr /l /b /c:"product:"') do set DEVICE=%%D
if "%DEVICE%" neq "star" if "%DEVICE%" neq "mars" echo This package is for "star" and "mars" devices; this is a "%DEVICE%". & exit /B 1
set /p CHOICE=You are going to wipe your data and internal storage. It will delete all your files and photos stored on internal storage. Do you agree? (Y/N)
if /i "%CHOICE%" neq "y" exit /B 0
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash dsp_ab images\dsp.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* flash super images\super.img
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* erase metadata
platform-tools-windows\fastboot -w
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* set_active a
platform-tools-windows\fastboot %* reboot
But I'm not sure in 100% @ingbrzy any advice here ? Is users need to change slot before flashing ? Or that's doesn't matter as script is doing that already after flashing ROM?
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