I can't understand guys I have to download Android sdk tools to install weather to system?

Sent from my HTC Desire HD using Tapatalk
When I downloaded the two separate files for the MIUI weather app, here what I did to get it to work for me:

Moved the file that is titled MIUI Weather Dev using Root Explorer. Specifically, I moved the file to the following folder: system/apps. From there I used Root Explorer again to change its permissions. The permissions in the first column should all be checked. In the second column only the first box should be checked. The rest should be blank.

With the second file that is titled database, you need to move it to the following folder: data/data/com.miui.weather/databases.

If the folder titled "com.miui.weather" is not located under data/data, then you will need to create the folder and title it just as I have it exactly. Once you create that folder, also create the databases folder within it.

The permissions for the second file, after you place it in the proper place should be as follows: the two columns on the left on the firat and second row should be checked. The rest should be unchecked.

There should be a thread in here that explains this a lot better than me, but I figured what the hell. Lol

Sent from my PC36100 using the miui-dev.com Forums App
When I downloaded the two separate files for the MIUI weather app, here what I did to get it to work for me:

Moved the file that is titled MIUI Weather Dev using Root Explorer. Specifically, I moved the file to the following folder: system/apps. From there I used Root Explorer again to change its permissions. The permissions in the first column should all be checked. In the second column only the first box should be checked. The rest should be blank.

With the second file that is titled database, you need to move it to the following folder: data/data/com.miui.weather/databases.

If the folder titled "com.miui.weather" is not located under data/data, then you will need to create the folder and title it just as I have it exactly. Once you create that folder, also create the databases folder within it.

The permissions for the second file, after you place it in the proper place should be as follows: the two columns on the left on the firat and second row should be checked. The rest should be unchecked.

There should be a thread in here that explains this a lot better than me, but I figured what the hell. Lol

Sent from my PC36100 using the miui-dev.com Forums App

Well done, only one thing missing, reboot at the end! :cool:

This worked awesome. Thanks for writing that Batman.

I go to 2 separate locations everyday, which would require 2 databases. I can just put the other file in the same folder correct?
Well, waiting for version 2, a few random fc's and Gps missing.

Please update it Mark.
Well, waiting for version 2, a few random fc's and Gps missing.

Please update it Mark.

Really the weather application is on the back burner. With all of the other improvements.

Sent from my PC36100 using the miui-dev.com Forums App
You will likely live. While MarkHUK fixes it.

Sent from my PC36100 using the miui-dev.com Forums App
There is no work going on this app?

Mark are you planning to update it ?

Sent from my Nexus One using the miui-dev.com Forums App
There is no work going on this app?

Mark are you planning to update it ?

Sent from my Nexus One using the miui-dev.com Forums App

no plans to further this app at the moment no. Sorry about that.
Just installed the USA APK #4 (States NM to SC) (I'm in PA), and put the corresponding .db in the proper folder, but MIUI Weather won't update from Weber City. I don't even know where this is. Any thoughts?

The first time I tried - I tried using Root Explorer to install the .apk and .db, when that didn't work I tried pushing the .apk via adb push to /system/app and the .db to the proper location, but still no luck..
you have to open up the widget settings. in the top right corner there is an edit icon. click it and disable "Enable GPS" (it only works in china) then click the + sign in the top right corner and addd your city (either by name or zip code) add as many as you want.

Then go back to home screen. To get off of weber city, tap the city name on the widget. each time you tap the city name, it cycles to your next city on the list of cities you added.

Tapping the left side of the clock goes to clock settings (alarm etc) tapping right side goes to calendar. tapping weather icon goes to weather.

Thanks for the excellent information and quick response! Unfortunately it still won't find my location. When I search for my zip I get nothing, when I search for city I get Carlisle, AR (and I live in PA). So it obviously didn't install the APK #4 properly. No Idea what I'm doing wrong at this point.

Edit: Got it. I renamed the existing miui_city.db to miui_city.bkp, then renamed the new .db file from miui_city_nm_sc.db to miui_city.db and I was able to find my location (which I was pretty sure I did the first time, but whatever, it's working)
Hi guys,

I love the widget, but this 00h00 bug is killing me, :( having to connect to wifi or wipe data, every day, just to get the widget working is a deal breaker to me, just started to use Go Weather, and it looks like there will be a MIUI skin in the future. :)

Is this happening only on the Nexus One?
there's gotta be some strange bug.. sorry if somebody has brought it up already.. but everytime the weather shows rain it FCs when i tap the weather icon. on sunny days it works just fine :D does anyone know what's the deal?
Use root explorer to copy the miui weather apk to: /system/app

Long press on miui weather and choose permissions from the menu

Change permissions to:

X X 0
X 0 0
X 0 0
the app itself is working great but, I live in Colorado and i am unable to find my city even with all the databases saved.

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