Release MIUI ROM 2.6.22

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Which leak are you on? Rooted or not? I'm going to try to install this one. But I'm holding my breath for some minutes. Need to be confirmed that it's working. I'm on 672.180.17
I'm on it now and it's working. It's so fast and so smooth. Love this ROM.

Motorola RAZR with Tapatalk
Im new to the MIUI rom, is there a special way to install it? What kernel and baseband is needed? Really excited to try it out :D

Thanks alot!
After installing ROM on a brand new Samsung Galaxy SII GT-i9100 (stock version Android 4.0.3) device stalls in boot up window with the "MI XIAOMI.COM" logo. Any suggestions on how to proceed?

I have user Odin v3 for rooting ICS (CF-Root-SGS2_XW_NEE_LPG-v5.5-CWM5.tar) and ROM Manager to flash latest Miui ROM.

Your help is much appreciated.

Flash Miui in cwm recovery after a factory reset and wipe cache and dalvik.
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@Niklas: When coming from another rom or stock you have to completely wipe your device. You can also check the tutorial thread in this forum. ;)
@Niklas: When coming from another rom or stock you have to completely wipe your device. You can also check the tutorial thread in this forum. ;)
Thanks, I suceeded on my own though. Hehe, just fired it up. Looks good! Totalt revamp of the Android platform. Wow! :O
should I maybe reroot my phone cuz i have reflashed it in cwm recovery after a factory reset and wipe cache and dalvik, several times..
Will there in future be support for my i9300?
I did use MUIU along CM9 (dual boot) on my Galaxy S II and it's a really good ROM that is based on original drivers.
I did occasionally see Chinese chars that I did not understand, but mainly it was great :)
It seems the downloads are down...or is it just me?
Nevermind, seems to work now. whatever
Ok guys my SGS2 was having the freezing problems too but I think I found a solution. After you do the full wipe and install the rom, go into the play store. Enter your information and download Super SU. Open the app and it will ask for root, which should cause ur phone to freeze. After it reboots, go into the LBE Guard app and manually give the Super SU app root permission. Go into the the Super SU app, update the binary (its does this automatically) and done! Hopefully ur SGS2 wont freeze anymore :D
THANK YOU SO MUCH helped me a lot!! :D
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