MIUI ROM 2.8.17 ICS & JellyBean

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I think that's how it works on Android by default. I've noticed this with any ROM since I first used Android. I just kill them with Advanced Task Killer.
Thx, it could explain it. But if you kill them, they will reinitialize back in few minutes :-D
Hotfix 1 Posted for JB ROMs
crespo, maguro, grouper, toro

  • Added Google Now
  • Fixed Network Location
  • Added Updated GApps
  • Added more carrier data to fix issues with Settings -> About
  • Minor translation fixes
  • Lockscreen tiny tweak in regard to volume
See OP for links.
abd183d41c1276f8070b0d6d361ac26b  miuiandroid_crespo-2.8.17.zip (Nexus S GSM)
e75485e88028347c4746f602b673ba67  miuiandroid_grouper-2.8.17.zip (Nexus 7 Tab)
9ef76441d852567595a9bd1eb62e138d  miuiandroid_maguro-2.8.17.zip (Galaxy Nexus GSM)

"See OP for links." what does this mean ,, ? is update uploaded on the same link ??
Yes, OP means Original Post!

The hotfix is a reuploaded full .zip file. That's why we ask people to check the file integrity via the md5 sum! :)
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This works amazing on the toro! Thanks for the support and adding in Google now!
No problem - our devs listen to users unlike some other sites, users are important to our community ;-)
Hey is there going to be an update with this Nexus 7 issue. Getting Status 7 error. Just wanted to know whats going on with that.

Thanks guys for all your hard work, I am running MIUI on my Galaxy Nexus and just want to try it out on my Nexus 7.
Hey nevermind I got it to work I regained root, and MIUI launched. But MIUI looks like it does on my phone but for a huge screen. Everythings big. lol I wish I knew this haha.

Anyways love this community and everything everyones been doing. Thanks Devs for all your hard work.
Thx, it could explain it. But if you kill them, they will reinitialize back in few minutes :-D
Not really every few minutes. More like every 15 minutes :p You can set it to auto kill every x amount of minutes, which will solve the problem :)

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
This JB rom is absolutely stunning :) Im in love again :) Ive noticed that my phone does not vibrate when it rings. Option "Vibrate in Normal" seem to have no effect :( And one other thing, is it somehow possible to boost the ringing volume? the volume is at maximum but it still rings so quietly :)

Thanx for your hard work guys :)

device: GNEX Maguro
I'm getting issues on my Mi-One with swiping through photos in the gallery, never had the issue before. Often images bounce back and takes a load of goes to to swipe to the next photo any ideas?
Have the same issue =(
Hey nevermind I got it to work I regained root, and MIUI launched. But MIUI looks like it does on my phone but for a huge screen. Everythings big. lol I wish I knew this haha.

Anyways love this community and everything everyones been doing. Thanks Devs for all your hard work.
Are you saying the Nexus 7 zip is working ?, I was getting status 7 error.
Just to let whoever cares know :)

Just tried to update from 2.8.10 on the Galaxy S2, and its broken things rather well. Install goes fine, comes to rebooting and just hangs on the Galaxy logo, recovery wouldn't work, I've had to reflash recovery and restore using an older backup as the one I did just before attempting the update was screwed also.
Just to let whoever cares know :)

Just tried to update from 2.8.10 on the Galaxy S2, and its broken things rather well. Install goes fine, comes to rebooting and just hangs on the Galaxy logo, recovery wouldn't work, I've had to reflash recovery and restore using an older backup as the one I did just before attempting the update was screwed also.

Did you try reboot into recovery, clear dalvik, wipe cache and fix permissions then reboot as normal ?
Once I re flashed recovery I did try all the usual stuff mentioned but no joy

hmm strange.. only thing i can suggest is to wipe and jump straight to the latest. Unusual issue here as no other reports.

Note : back up as always
Development settings is not working in this fix release. By the way, can I with gpu forced rendering ON improove the playback quality in hd video? I have been waiting for long time for new miui version on jb, it´s a celebration, thank you developers.
Funny, link in OP for 2.8.17 maguro still direct to old ROM, the one before Hotfix was done. Tried 5 times in Firefox, then 2 times in IE9 but still the same - getting ROM with MD5 sum of B25D44D056D5ECF24766BB7BCC588885. Can you fix it, please?
Edit: tried from another computer, 1st attempt was successful, got the right ROM. Second attempt (just for curiosity) again linked to an old ROM.

And many thanks for your hardworking! ROM is awesome!
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