- 10 May 2011
- 1,316
- 230
Reading back
Reading back through the latest couple pages of this forum will reveal we are using ES-2.2.10 but there seems to be a couple bugs.
I am not holding my breath about a GB MIUI-2.3.2 but would love it to become the stable as it is my birthday.
Many thanks for the donation. It was unnecessary but VERY much appreciated.
I haven't released an update for a while, mostly because it has not been needed. MIUI GB hasn't really changed in weeks apart from a tweak here and there. Also, I think people forget that this is NOT my job, it's a hobby, it's really boring for me to do the same mod week in, week out. I need a fresh challenge, luckily for me ICS came along which will keep me interested for a while..
Having said that, because of your generosity and providing a 2.3.2 version released I will do an update for it. Please don't expect it 5 minutes after the ROM is released. This mod impacts many files and it takes a lot of time to do.
Also note that if anyone want a bug looking into, you're going to have to help me to help you, telling me that something doesn't work is useless to me. If you find a bug back it up with Logcat's if you can or at the very least screenshots of the issue so I can see what's going on.
PS. Happy Birthday...