Some progress, when doing an adb shell, partition list, I saw the partition 26 (userdata) had no filesystem. Simply trying to format it after unmount got me complains about a bad superblock.
So I took the commands from the 'bigger systems' repartition script (thanks again @
M1cha) and adjusted the start position for that partition to the original (Xiaomi delivered) value.
After doing an unmount of the /data partition in the recovery, I could do the following commands correctly (maybe not all are needed for this case but this was the cleanest way to re-create the partition):
parted -s /dev/block/mmcblk0 rm 26
parted -s /dev/block/mmcblk0 mkpartfs primary ext2 1812MB 5570MB
tune2fs -j /dev/block/mmcblk0p26
e2fsck -fDy /dev/block/mmcblk0p26
tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/block/mmcblk0p26
e2fsck -fDy /dev/block/mmcblk0p26
parted -s /dev/block/mmcblk0 name 26 userdata
then I could do a flash of an official CM11 nightly I still had lingering around on my SD card.
Trying to flash the Linaro compiled CM11 of July 20th still caused issues, complaints about missing symlinks and stopping with error 7. Funny, since then I now should have been in the correct situation to flash it in the 1st place, using the V1 recovery.
Anyway, I now have a blank, fresh CM11 install, able to do a titanium restore and hopefully back running in short time. And waiting for a more foolproof install process.
This might be usefull for whoever ended up in the same situation as me. I used a VMWARE image of the LinuxMint based DevDistro, since that one has all drivers and stuff installed and working. And I had it still around, from the time I was playing with Android app development

Windows users might have to install drivers etc ... search around in the threads for that.
XperianPro, will the F2FS formatted partition be able to be flashed using Fastboot or will we lose that way of resolving things in the future (at least till fastboot full flash also understands F2FS filesystems) ?