Poor voice quality for the other person


20 Feb 2013
I have had people tell me recently that they have trouble hearing m on my mi2.
Comments range from words dropping to generally poor sound.
I assumed it was signal - but having checked after getting more and more comments - the signal is fine.

I thought maybe it was the back cover or indeed the outer case, i've tried changing and removing and still the quality is poor.

Has anyone had this, I might add what is hear is more than acceptable.

I'm using the latest miuiandroid but it was reported also using wiui....

The final straw was when i nearly got sent the wrong chinese takeaway as he couldn't hear me :)
How do you know if the radio has been changed, I can't identify in the about section where it says it!
Apparently no change so will flash on system 2 too
Same problem,
Installed 328 modem, no protect case, no protect film, signal ok and good voice quality when using earphone.

I think that all the MI2 have this problem more or less and all interlocutors did not mention that they don't ear very well.

Did anybody manage to fix this problem?
its caused by noise canceling during call... cover of second mic (on the back side) may help.. try it and let me know...
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Use small (3x3mm) piece of electric tape to cover 2-nd microphone hole on the inner side of back cover - problem solved.
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I found a McDonald's coffee sticker was the quickest sticky square to hand :)
Not yet ascertained if it's worked though
Thanks, I'm going to try but I can't understand why it would works.

Envoyé depuis mon MI 2 en utilisant Tapatalk 4 Beta
second microphone on the back sometimes over-compensate the noise cancellation. we found that it help to lower it's sensitivity by covering the hole. xiaomi must adjust (tune) noise cancellation algoritm in the future fw updates...

Sent from my MI 2S using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Thanks for the explaination. Do you think Xiaomi will fix tais problem on our old MI2?

Envoyé depuis mon MI 2 en utilisant Tapatalk 4 Beta
It worked for me by covering the second mic, but even i have updated my modem to 3.2.8, but dnt know which one fixed the issue !

now i dont face this issue,

Thanks Guy's
I've done or tried both too, how can I tell which modem is installed does anyone know?
Hi everyone,

I tried to cover the microphone from behind with a piece of tape ... and it works!
I hope now that XIAOMI corrects this defect ...
Thank you to all
I had an issue with people who listened to poor quality voice during the call. When I tried to record the call and play it after the sound was very clear. In the end the problem was the motherboard, which Xiaomi Client Service changed me.
can anyone post a picture of this second mic? or accuratly say where it is and how does it look like? i dont seems to find it..
