Resolved [FIXED] Control center - time and date text overflow displaces icons causing them to ignore 1/2 of touch area


29 Nov 2022
Device: Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro EU
ROM: xiaomi.eu_multi_HMNote9ProEU_V13.0.1.0.SJZMIXM fastboot (modified 2022-09-03)
Android version: 12, MIUI 13.0.1

Bug description:

As you can see on figrue1, two icons, settings icon and edit control center icon are displaced. The issue is that the area that register touch event on both icons is also reduced causing you to miss the button and hitting "empty" area even though you certainly hit the icon. Figure2 shows how it is supposed to be. This bug is caused by width of some characters (in time) that pushes the date and then it overflows to the second row while displacing the two icons.

bug_bad2 shows the overflow and red marks area that doesn't register touch events, green marks area where touch is registered.
bug_bad shows how the bug looks with boxes enabled in dev settings.
nobug_good shows how it is supposed to be.

How to reproduce:
This bug can be reproduced by setting system language to Slovak, changing time and date to 15:22, Štvrtok (Thursday) 24.11.2022 (DD.MM.YYYY) or any time that has zero or less "1" (because other characters like 2,3,4,5 are wider than 1).

This bug is happening on fresh installed rom (from here) with default font settings. I believe it can also be reproduced on existing installation.

Bug description short:
Context is control center. Some digits in time are wider causing date to overflow which causes 2 icons next to it to align with it while reducing its touch register area. You have now displaced icons and 1/2 of icon isn't reacitng to your touch.

Update 1:
Noticed just now. At certain times and dates sometimes the month isn't even showing on screen. See figure3 and figure4. Example, set time and date to 13:33, 3.12.2022 (DD.MM.YYYY)


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Last edited:
Updated to V13.0.2.0.SJZMIXM, tried to reproduce this issue with same dates. Text is now wrapping and aligning properly, also touch is correctly registered. Looks like it is fixed.
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