Picasa upload from gallery3d also miui gallery


Dec 31, 2010
In popup menu there isn't picasa.
There is facebook,gmail,googles...evrything but picasa.

I solve with this MediaUploader.apk:

adb remount
adb push MediaUploader.apk /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/*.apk
adb reboot

But is it possible to solve in next roms?
Just save that file on your PC, then when you download the next build each week just open the .zip with 7zip or your archive tool of choice, then drag & drop it into "/system/app/". Done.
Ok it's possible to fix it....but why not put it inside ROM?
Upload to picasa is a good feature for android...why not include in MIUI?

MIUI hate Picasa?
In popup menu there isn't picasa.
There is facebook,gmail,googles...evrything but picasa.

I solve with this MediaUploader.apk:

adb remount
adb push MediaUploader.apk /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/*.apk
adb reboot

But is it possible to solve in next roms?

Hi, can you attach your mediauploader.apk? I googled around and can't find one to download. I would like to manually implement what you did.
Alright when u mean push it adb
Where do I do this at
I try to flash it but it told me it was aborted

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miui force closing

Im using miui 1.4.22 for EVO and I get an error when long-pressing a picture to try and get more options open. If I try to upload one at a time it's ok. Otherwise I get an error.