Gingerbread MIUI 1.04.15 Greek pack for Desire and Desire HD


15 Nov 2010
Installation notes

If you re new to MIUI wipe data/factory reset,wipe partition cache and dalvik cache
If you re just updating from previous wipe partition cache and dalvik cache.
Install chinese deoxeded
Install Greek pack without leaving recovery.
Reboot and you 're done

Download for HTC Desire
Greek pack #4:

Download for Desire HD
Greek pack #4:

Fixed a lot of strings that didnt show correctly or they were half shown.
Notification LED is back in action!
Monitor.apk shouldnt crash anymore
24h format is present!
I have tried and it doesn't work for me ... can someone provide a screen shot ... or proper instructions please ... thanks heaps
First of all,whats your phone model?

Providing that you are already rooted you do the following:
Download both files for your phone (Desire,DesireHD)
Copy them somewhere in your SD
Reboot into recovery (via Rommanager or using the 2buttons combination)
Wipe data/restore defaults
Wipe cache partition
Wipe dalvik cache
Install zip from SD card
Choose zip (the first file,the big one)
Without going anywhere at this time choose once more "choose zip from sd" and choose the second file (around 16MB).
When done reboot your phone and enjoy MIUI

If you dont have Desire or DesireHD let me know and i ll make a pack for you.
Greek language in keyboard input

Hi to everyone and excuse my noobie question but I already have searched the forum and could not find any satisfactory answer.

I have installed MIUI 1.04.22 and the english translation pack. Unfortunately could not manage to have Greek as an input language.

Last night tried to install the greek package, but it caused some problems as it was for 1.04.15 and not 1.04.22 version. (stuck in the welcome screen, where I should input the pattern security gesture - could not even see it, had to reflash without greek translation).

So, my question is, is it possible to have both english and greek as a keyboard input language, and how can I do that?

Thank you in advance for reading this!
I didnt make greek pack for 1.4.22 cuz a2sd+ is broken and no sugnificant changes have been made.

For input you can use htc ime mod.

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk