Gingerbread MIUI 1.03.125 Greek pack for Desire and Desire HD


15 Nov 2010
Installation notes

Wipe everything.DATA,EXT,Partition Cache and Dalvik Cache.
Install chinese deoxeded
Install Greek pack without leaving recovery.
Reboot and you 're done

Download for HTC Desire
Chinese deoxeded:
Greek translation :

Download for HTC Desire HD
Chinese deoxeded:
Greek translation:

MMS FC and App Manager FC fixed.Flash the pack again without any wipes and problems are solved!
Some string fixes!
great work finn ; ) we are waiting for the DHD package. is very difficult to make the translation?i want to give it a try : ) but i dont know how...
Great :) will download it tomorrow and flashed it. ;-) thanks.

Sent from my HTC Desire HD using Tapatalk
i flash it and everything ok but when i open wifi it stuck and starts makes restarts all the time
Follow the procedure.Boot the phone one time,without doing anything restart and in the second boot you can use wifi.
SMS app works fine in my phone. I dont have a DHD so i cant test any further :/
Thanks a lot Mark for the advise! Btw did you happen to check my last message in the english translation thread? I have FCs while trying to access Application manager under settings.I tried with the english pack and it was all fine so i guess there is something wrong in my settings.apk
Hello Finn did you make any progress with the force close? Thanks. :)

Sent from my HTC Desire HD using the Forums App
Sms FC fixed!!! Uploading fix later!

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk