Stable ROMs


Site Founder
Staff member
Nov 6, 2010
<p>Download monthly Stable ROM build from this page. Stable ROMs are updated once per month and are guaranteed to be the least problematic of the ROM releases.</p>

<p>If your device is not listed it is because it has not been marked as Stable yet.</p>

<p><strong>Language packs will be done soon for these stable ROM builds, they differ to the Development ROM builds a little.</strong></p>


$current_rel = "2.3.4a";

// Function to get files name is correct to our rom /pack
function check_files_name($file, $marker)
return strpos($file, $marker) === 0;
// EF

// Function to get device name from file name
function device_name($file)
$device = substr($file, 12, 33);
$device = substr($device, 0, -11);
return $device;

// Function to get device name from file name
function device_name2($file)
$device = substr($file, 18, 33);
$device = substr($device, 0, -10);
return $device;

// Deodex ROM
if ( ($handle = opendir('/home/miuiandroid/public_html/rom-dev/stable/')) )
// Start table
echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="500">

while( false !== ($file = readdir($handle)) )
if(check_files_name($file, 'miuiandroid'))
// Loop table for devices
echo '<tr>
<td><img src="'.device_name($file).'.png" width="115" height="201" /></td>
<td valign="top">';
echo '<h3>'.device_name($file).' '.$current_rel.'</h3>' . "\n";
echo '<p><a href="'.device_name($file).'-'.$current_rel.'.zip">Download deodex</a></p>';
echo '<p><a href="'.$current_rel.'_'.device_name($file).'">Download language pack</a></p>';
echo '<p>Chinese deodex MD5: '.md5_file("/home/miuiandroid/public_html/rom-dev/stable/miuiandroid_".device_name($file)."-".$current_rel.".zip").'</p>';
echo '<p>Language pack MD5: '.md5_file("/home/miuiandroid/public_html/rom-dev/stable/miuiandroid-".$current_rel."_".device_name($file)."").'</p>';
echo '</td>
echo '</tbody>
</table>' . "\n";

// close directory
