New Miui V7 6.2.4 - Android 6.0.1 - Mi4


10 Jan 2015
Hi to everyone, this is my first serious post so I will try to speak my best english.

This post is orientated to the comunity admins and is a list with a several bugs in 6.2.4/6.2.25 os MIUI Version. I have a Xiaomi Mi4 but this problems are with other devices.

NOTE: I updated the device to 6.2.25 and the bugs are the same. So is the same post to 6.2.25 version.

I try to install Xposed a few weeks ago and I had to install MIUI v7 directly with CWM Recovery with all wipes, so I can say that a I have a clean instalation in my device.

Here is the list.
  • Whatsapp options: Can't change profile picture and wallpaper on Whatsapp APP.
  • Share Options: For example on TW i can't share a tweet via Telegram because Whatsapp is the only option.
  • Lag problems, optimization is not the strongest point of the ROM, with daily use you can see that the device goes a bit lagged.
  • Some users report Battery Problems like highly consumption
  • Some users report highly consumption of RAM
  • It seems that actualization from 4.4 is not very clean, for example, some Material design menus are not seen like material, Iy seems like 4.4.
  • Telegram notifications doesn't seem in lock screen, only on the notification bar, when is blocked.
  • The same, sometimes, with twitter notification
  • Sometimes, when you go away from a site where you were connected to WiFi the change to data requires to switch off, wait a few seconds, and switch on to do it, It doesn't reconnect automatically.
And this is all.... for the moment. All this bugs were seen with weeks of usage. I hope admins see this post, I really wamt to help this wonderful comunity.

Thanks to all.

PS: If is not an inconvenience, i suggest to the admins to post an answer in this post, It could be great

Edit: Added one more bug.
Edit2: Quit problem with apks, in the update were the browser and the video apks
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