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Site Founder
Staff member
6 Nov 2010
Status: Released


Notice: GApps are no longer included! (not for Xiaomi devices)
Please flash ROM, REBOOT, and then flash Gapps.
Do NOT flash them back to back! It will cause Home button not working..!
Gapps 4.1.x : http://goo.im/gapps/gapps-jb-20121011-signed.zip

Important for Samsung Galaxy Nexus users:
  • you must be running miui v4 for galaxy nexus
  • do not factory reset
  • flash miui v5 for galaxy nexus (port by burgaz)
  • reboot as normal
  • now reboot into recovery and flash gapps
  • reboot as normal
The above instructions are required to ensure paid apps can be installed.

when will this update come for LT18i??? desperatly waiting for it! :D
Thaaanks alot for all the admins!! superb work!! ;)
Waiting patiently.. Just take your time guys :)

Friday always become exciting because of your ROM. Thank you!
Really good news. Waiting patiently :(:(, but gladly ;).
Thanks guys for your efforts and for your hard work. You make my Fridays like they are Saturday nights :).
Hopefully it will be non beta- on SGS2 though. Wish everybody a nice weekend.
Really good news. Waiting patiently :(:(, but gladly ;).
Thanks guys for your efforts and for your hard work. You make my Fridays like they are Saturday nights :).
Hopefully it will be non beta- on SGS2 though. Wish everybody a nice weekend.
Me to, or hopefully this week SGSII will be less bugs compare to previous week
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